Fulfilling Payment

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Back in my double queen bedroom at the Holiday Inn, I open the cabinet by the mini fridge where the hotel has helpfully stored glasses for the consumption of the bourbon I brought with me. Normally, I would be using the glasses coated with sedative that I usually bring with me. However, due to the sexual requirement of my kill tonight, I find I just can't bring myself to use them.

At first, my plan had been to give the girl, I've learned her name is Melissa, going by Mel, a sedative in her glass, and let her go to sleep while I fucked Mitch, before killing them both. However, ever since we returned to the room, she seems to be sharing some of Mitch's somewhat creepy enthusiasm for looking in the direction of my tits. I'm starting to think the two of them actually have pretty similar sexual desires.

"So, Tracey," Mel says as I hand her a drink, "you seeing anyone?"

I shake my head. "Nah. I had my eyes on this one guy for a while, but lately I've been discovering some things about myself which made me want to take some time and explore them before committing to anything."

I notice Mitch's pants bulge, while Mel also looks curious. They definitely want a threesome. The only question is, how easy do I make it for them?

"What about you two?" I ask, deciding to string it out a little longer and see if their desires start to manifest more obviously. "How did you meet?"

"We met at an environmental function back in first year," Mitch replies. I'm surprised by the fact that I believe him. I had not pegged these two as environmentalists. Then again, I hadn't pegged Eve as a cop before she revealed it. Maybe I'm not as good at reading people as I thought. But this isn't the time to be questioning my abilities.

"And what were you guys doing out in the exciting town of Pickering tonight?"

Mel's face shifts to appear a bit more uncomfortable. Mitch looks unfazed. "We're both political volunteers. We were out doing research tonight."

Oh, is that what they're calling trying to start race wars these days?

"Oh, that's cool. Who do you guys work for?"

"No one in particular," Mel cuts in, obviously worried what Mitch might say if he were able to respond. "Basically, we work for the less mainstream politicians who aren't likely to attract the big names."

Like white supremacists such as Faith Goldy.

I decide to make her squirm a little more by pushing for specifics. "You mentioned you were doing political research tonight. What did that entail? Canvassing?"

"It was more of a social experiment," Mitch replies, obviously eager to get his piece across. The look on Mel's face as he speaks is absolutely priceless. "Basically, we were seeing how people react to people exercising their freedom of expression in public."

"Interesting. Why do that in Pickering? Wouldn't Toronto offer a more diverse cast to judge the reactions of?"

"We know how Torontonians would react. We were judging more of the smaller town dynamic and how they would react to it. Here look," he puts his glass down on the counter and moves to unzip his coat.

"No!" Mel cries, reaching over and trying to stop him, causing bourbon to spill from her glass. He dances out of her reach and unzips it, revealing the swastika on the shirt beneath. Mel looks at me nervously. I struggle not to laugh with the knowledge of what I'm going to do to these two assholes. Instead, I try to appear curious.

"And, what do you do with that?" I ask. "I assume you're not actually a Nazi?"

"Of course I'm not." Mitch smiles smugly at Mel, as if to brag that I did not react negatively to the reveal, before looking back at me. "The only thing Mel and I object to is trying to restrict freedom of speech. They claim people like us are the ones who hate democracy and freedom. I'm just exposing those social justice cunts for the hypocrites they are. They decry anyone who's the least bit conservative as violent, unstable nut jobs. And the fake news helps them out. It's even worse here than in America. We're just helping get the truth out."

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