A Bad Reaction

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"So, why this place compared to any other along the shore?" Rachel asks, referring to Sheldon Lookout. We're in her care and have descended from the Gardner Expressway toward the parking lot just beyond on Lakeshore Avenue.

"It's actually got a lot of sentimental value in our family," I explain from the passenger seat. "My Mom went into labour with me earlier than planned. On that day, she and my Dad were on Centre Island, just walking around, when her water broke. They got her onto the ferry immediately and from there to Toronto General. Shortly after I was born and we left the hospital, my parents knew all our family were waiting at our house to welcome me into the world, but they wanted one memory with just the three of us that wasn't in a hospital before all of that. So they had the cab here, and we just stood on the lookout, looking out on the water for like thirty minutes before heading back home. When Liza was born and I was 2, we came back, again, before going home."

As I talk, Rachel finds an empty space and pulls the car headfirst into it.

"Ahh, okay. So, it's like a special place."

"Yeah. I mean, it's not like Liza and I remember that, it's just how we picked this spot for when we come to the lake, as opposed to anywhere else along the shore."

"No that makes sense. Hang on." I watch as she opens her phone and pays for parking with the GreenP app. When done, she looks up at me. "You sure you want to do this? Last chance to back out."

I frown at that. "I wanted to ask you, why are you so nervous about this? It can't be because you're afraid of Liza's reaction to you being my old bully. Otherwise you would never have interacted with me again. Is there some kind of history with her that I don't know about?"

"No, nothing like that," she says, though I note a tremble in her voice. "I mean, there is a history obviously, we went to the same school. But it's not like I bullied her or anything. I just... I don't know what it is, I'm sorry."

I reach over and take her hand. "Hey, it'll be okay. We'll get through one meeting and you'll see all will be better in the future." I'm not entirely convinced, but that could just be the stress of knowing Dr. Sanchez isn't coming making me paranoid. I'm sure everything will be fine when we get to the picnic site.

We climb out of the car and head to the path. It's far from deserted, despite the rapidly worsening pandemic. Probably bolstered by the theory the virus doesn't spread easily outside. I guess we'll see if that's right. Holding hands, we set off down the path toward the bridge that leads across the mouth of the Humber River toward Sheldon Lookout.

"You know, I don't think I've ever been here before," Rachel notes, looking out at the lake. "Funny isn't it. Spent pretty much my whole life in the Greater Toronto Area but never once been to the Lakeshore."


"Yeah," she replies as we exit the bridge. "I mean, I've driven along lakeshore and seen the lake, obviously. Just never been along any of these paths or beaches."

"Fair enough," I observe. "I mean, there's not much to do here. Just walking, looking at the lake, sitting together and such."

"Ooooh, sounds romantic," she says as we turn toward the lookout, though she's obviously faking her enthusiasm. I start to wonder if I should have mentioned her name to Liza. If there was an issue there, maybe Liza would have been a little more forthcoming. Oh well, I guess I'll find out in a couple minutes when we meet up.

As we walk, Rachel looks down. "Think she'll be mad at me?"

"For what? Bullying me?"

"Uh, yeah. That's it."

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