The Missing Sister

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I'm sitting on the couch with my head in my lap when Bianca comes down the stairs and sit's next to me.

"Any word from your parents?" she asks.

I sit up and shake my head. "This virus has them overwhelmed. It will probably be a while before their home. How's she doing?"

"I think she's better now. She seemed to fall asleep at last."

"Thank God," I stretch out on the couch. "I still have no idea what caused that though. It was so out of nowhere."

"I know, right?" she leans back. "I kept asking her, but she wouldn't say anything."

"Well, if you didn't get anything from her, I certainly won't."

She laughs. "Yeah, she does not like to talk about that time in her life. I understand it though. We all remember what happened with my parents when they found out I was gay and I do not like talking about that time."

I can't help but think about everything that's happened in my life that I don't like talking about.

Then my phone starts buzzing again. I pick it up and see it's my father. I answer it.

"Hey buddy," he sounds exhausted. "Sorry I've been out of touch. Finally managed to get 2 minutes to myself. How is she?"

"We think she's okay," I reply. "Bianca says she just fell asleep, so we're gonna let her rest for awhile."

"Okay. Do you need me to come home? I had been planning to just sleep here on the break room couch before my next shift, but say the word and I will be there."

"Nah, I think we're okay. She'll be asleep anyways. You guys just be careful there."

"Alright, your Mom should be home a little after 8 in the morning. I'll see you tomorrow night."

"Gottit. Love you."

"Love you too." He hangs up.

I lie back on the couch again and look up at the ceiling. "First the world goes to shit, and now this. What's next? Aliens?"

Bianca laughs. "2020 doesn't want to get beaten by 2016 for worst year on record."

"True that."

Bianca hops to her feet. "If you don't mind, I'm gonna raid your fridge seeing as we never quite got round to eating in the park and it's well past dinner time."

"Yeah, go ahead."

As she exits the room, my phone buzzes again. I pick it up and freeze. It's our neighbour, Rosa Angel. I haven't really spoken to her since the red dream weeks ago. What's she calling about? Is she okay? Only one way to find out.


"Hi Nate, it's Rosa," she says, sounding nervous. "Sorry to bother you, I know your parents are at work, but I thought you'd like to know, I just saw someone jump down from the second floor of your house."

"Wait, what?" Without thinking, I hang up before leaping to my feet and racing up the stairs. "Liza!" I barge into her room and see her bed's empty and her window is open. I stare at the scene in horror.

"Nate? What's wrong?" Bianca runs up the stairs and joins me in Liza's room, a partially eaten sandwich in her hand.

"Dear God, not again," she breathes. "Where could she have gone?"

"I don't know, but the neighbour just saw her sneak out so she can't have gotten far."

"I'll call her," Bianca says while reaching into her pocket with her free hand.

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