Another Interview

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It's past noon, and I'm lying in bed cuddling Eve when there's a knock on the door.

"Ignore it," I say, my eyes still closed.

"Constable Sheppard?" calls a voice from outside.

I open my eyes as Eve sits up.

"Who is it?" I ask in a whispered voice.

"I don't know," she replies. "I don't know that voice. Stay here." She get's up from the bed and heads over to the door. "Who is it?" she calls.

"My name is Bilal Mohammed," the voice replies, and now it's my turn to sit bolt upright, my heart racing. "I'm a detective with the York Regional Police. I just need a minute with you and Ms. Kowalski."

Eve shoots a look at me, clearly recognizing the name of the Detective from the case file regarding the stabbing incident outside Nate's house.

"Just a second Detective!" she calls out. She hurries to the bathroom and emerges with two bathrobes.

"Get it on," she tosses one to me before pulling the other one on herself. I do as she says and move to stand behind her as she opens the door, revealing Detective Mohammed on the other side.

"Sorry, the security guard didn't call ahead," Eve explains. "I could have been ready."

"Oh, don't blame him," Mohammed replies. "I tailgated into the building behind a dog walker and just walked through the lobby like I knew where I was going."

"I see," Eve notes dryly before gesturing into the room. "Want to come in, Detective?"

"Thank-you," Mohammed steps inside and heads toward the couch. "I apologize for showing up out of the blue like this, but I just wanted to ask Ms. Kowalski here a couple questions if that's okay."

"Um, sure," I take a chair from the two-person table and move it opposite of here before sitting, while trying not to show how freaked out I am she's here. I wasn't even questioned back when the incident happened, what could have made her think it was worth visiting me now?

"First, let me ask you Erin, I hope I may call you that, do you have any idea why I'm here?"

I shrug. "I remember Nate or Veronica mentioning you were the Detective assigned to that stabbing outside Nate's house, but as to why you're here now, no, I don't. How did you even know I was here?"

"Oh, Andy told me."

"Wait, my father told you?" I'm stunned. "A defence lawyer told a cop where to find his daughter? And what's with the familiarity in your voice about him? Only his friends call him Andy."

Mohammed raises an eyebrow. "Are you saying just because I'm a cop and he's a defence lawyer, we can't be friends?"

I freeze, wondering just how close the two of them are, and how much she may already know about me.

Mohammed laughs. "No, you're right, most cops hate his guts and the feeling's mutual. But I'm from the Sexual Assault Unit. I'm sure you know how he refuses to defend rape cases. He's helped me a few times over the years, unofficially of course. Probably because of what happened to your mother."

"Don't talk about her like that!" I order, probably stemming from my newfound admiration for my parents, though I will say Dad's taken a hit, selling me out to this cop. What could she have told him to get him to squeal and not give me a heads up? Unless... my eyes drift to my phone, where the notification light in flashing. Probably one of those is for a text from Dad. Ugh, why did we have to sleep so late and why did I leave my phone on silent?

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