Acting or Not?

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I've been following the man in the swastika shirt for about three blocks from the bar when he turns the corner ahead of me. I increase my pace to keep up. Reaching the bend, I hear a voice which, based on the subject matter of the conversation, I can only assume to be his, and a female voice talking to him.

"Did you get it, baby?" the female voice asks.

"Oh yeah. Fuckers didn't even let me open my mouth to assert my God Given right to free speech before throwing me out. Though we may need to edit the footage a bit before posting. Not as many niggers in there as I would have hoped. We'll just need to make em a bit darker. A few faggots though."

Around the corner from them, I realize I'm shaking my head, my jaw dropped in sheer disbelief over what I'm hearing. I am literally listening to two neo nazi, probably Trump supporting assholes, plotting to digitally darken people's skin tone in a video, just to drum up hate against minorities. That is low. Like, super low. I don't quite get how the presence of a gay couple is supposed to their cause. Maybe because people just assume all gays are liberal, and that would somehow help their far right message? I don't know. Though I'm having flashbacks to what I wanted to do to the guys back in high school who gave Ronnie a hard time.

But this is more than just fantasizing about killing the bully to blow off steam. I am disgusted by those two people around the corner. I mean, genuinely disgusted. You know your bad when a serial killer is legitimately wondering if she has a claim to the moral high ground in the eyes of society.

And yet, I'm also ecstatic. These two are so perfect. These are the victims every serial killer dreams of. Reprehensible. The kind the police aren't gonna give two shits about if they go missing. The kind that will get no sympathy from either the media, or the public as a whole, even if their bodies were found. This is going to feel so good.

I refocus as the woman's voice replies to the man. "You can drop the act now, Mitch, no one's recording now."

Wait, what act?

"Yeah, well, helps me stay in character when I have to," the male's voice replies. "Gold's paying enough that I'm willing to put in the extra effort."

"Yeah, well, don't put too much effort it. Rich as it makes us, the whole Nazi thing is creepy if I'm being honest. Just the way you do it. I swear, you're right out of a movie. And not a good one. You look like a one-dimensional idiot when you act that way."

Okay, I think I know what's going on here. These two aren't genuine racists, they're just working for genuine racists. I bet that name they mentioned, Gold, is actually Faith Goldy, the notoriously racist, neo nazi, Toronto mayoral candidate in the last election no one ever took seriously yet received a disturbing three percent of the vote. Well, sorry, at least one person took her seriously. That being Steve King, the equally notoriously racist American congressman, who astonishingly keeps winning re-election. At least there's one thing Canada can claim superiority over the US. We don't have any open Nazis in Parliament. Yet.

Returning to the matter at hand, I guess these two are some kind of amateur film producer, working to stir up hate on behalf of Goldy. How much they share her views, I can't be sure, but that doesn't matter. Just the fact that they're doing this work, whether they believe in it or not, means I will immensely enjoy killing them.

Now, I just need a way to lure them, but I think I may have a pretty good idea what may do the trick.

I glance up and down the street, making sure no one else is out tonight. That's one good thing about Pickering. You can walk the street at night and not be seen by anyone. Unlike Toronto, the city that never sleeps.

"Aghhhh!" I collapse onto my hands and knees while clutching my chest. "Help! Somebody, please!"

I know that got their attention because I hear their sounds asking what that noise was before the footsteps made as they come around the corner.

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