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"You sure I can't get you something else, sweetheart?" the bartender asks me as I sit the bar at Recon nightclub, sipping a water.

"As I said, I'm good," I wave him off. He's probably not used to girls coming in here and not drinking alcohol.

I'm especially not touching the stuff tonight after what I did while drinking fake beer. I can't afford to lose control like that again. I was insanely lucky with Mark. The maid thinking he was raping me, being able to convince Jenny to stay quiet, I can't expect to experience a repeat of that, so I have to be careful.

If the Toronto Star or CP24 website are anything to go by, the police bought the coverup. The articles talk about a girl fighting back and killing her rapist before fleeing the scene. And since the police haven't showed up at my house, I'm assuming Jenny's been given no reason to turn on me. They would have talked to her already by now if they were going to, they certainly checked Mark's Uber account and saw he came from a bar before showing up at the motel.

I chose tonight to go hunting, both because it allowed a few days to deal with any blowback from Mark's death, there has been none, and because I know Nate and that bitch, Rachel, are out on their date. I needed to take my mind of that. And what better way than a good kill?

I'm dressed in my Andrea persona, which means long black hair and brown eyes. I'm in a typical red clubbing dress which shows a liberal portion of by tits so I should have no trouble attracting horny men. Which will be necessary tonight, as MonkeyLover wants me to fuck my victim first.

Normally, I try to reserve the attention required by my planned kills for truly reprehensible assholes, like Tom. Having such high standards for victims also serves the pragmatic purpose of ensuring my kills don't become too frequent and possibly attract the attention of authorities. But I'm on a deadline, and so can't afford to be so picky. That said, I'm still taking my time to pick someone I know that I'll enjoy. Just because I'm killing under orders from MonkeyLover doesn't mean I'm going to let him spoil my fun.

As I survey the dance floor, I don't see anyone who jumps out as someone I would enjoy. Or more accurately, anyone I would enjoy more than anyone else. I turn my attention to the people sitting up and down the bar. I briefly panic when I think I see Veronica, then realize it's just a girl who looks a lot like her. The girl has Veronica's normal red hair, not her current purple. And now that I've gotten a good look at her face, it's obviously a different person.

Hmm. I'm intrigued. Even though it's not her, it would certainly be satisfying, killing someone who looks like Veronica. At least until I can get to the real thing. And MonkeyLover never specified what gender the victim had to be.

I call the bartender over and point toward the girl. "Give her another one of what she's drinking," I throw a twenty on the table, "on me. Keep the change."

"And is this to be anonymous? Or you want me to point you out?"

"Point me out."

"Will do."

I sit there and sip my drink while the bartender carries the drink over to the girl and points toward me. The Veronica lookalike smiles and gets up from her stool before walking over to me. I feel my heart rate start to increase with excitement.

"Hey," she says, taking the seat next to me. She has to talk loudly to be heard over the music.

I'm now able to get a good look at her. There's not as much as a resemblance to Veronica as I thought from a distance. She's still very attractive though. Enough that she's triggering the new sexual curiosity I developed during my forty-five seconds with Mark. I wonder, what would it be like with a woman? I watched a few videos of it during the last few days while waiting for any potential police visit. So, I know it's quite different compared to a man, unless you have a strap on, which I don't. What's it called without one? Scissoring?

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