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{Lucy POV}

Sting dropped me off.

"Yeah, he's hanging out with Lisanna..."

"I see." I said, nodding. "Well, let's hope he sees me soon..."

He kissed my cheek and left. I walked into the classroom, and was greeted by my classmates.

"Lucy!" Mira-San came over and helped me to my seat. "You're back! I heard from your brother."

I smiled. "Long time no see, Mira-San."

"Have you been learning Braille while at home?" She asked, petting Eagle. I nodded.

"I've started reading with it."

"That's amazing!" Mira-San said. "What a way to impress me on the first day, Lucy!"

I smiled. "Thank you."

(Time skip)

It was lunchtime.

Sting came to pick me up.

"Did he say anything to you?" I asked.

"No." Sting said. I was able to hear the cold bitterness in his voice.

"Don't worry about it." I said, grabbing his hand. "I'm sure he'll notice us soon."

We walked to the lunch area. Eagle excitedly greeted every one of my friends.


I hugged everyone, and Rogue patted my head.

"Wow, this lunch area feels so bright, Lucy-San!" Wendy said.

"Thank you." I said, smiling.

"Hey, where's Natsu?"

"Probably hanging out with Ms. Snowy over there." Gray said, rolling his eyes. "Honestly, they've become BFFs or something."

I wasn't really sure where they were looking, so I just sat down at our table. Sting sat next to me.

{Natsu POV}

"Natsu!" I waved and smiled at Lisanna, who walked next to me.


"Ughhh, the English teacher is soooo boring." Lisanna said, laughing.

"Yeah, well, it's English, what do you expect, right?"

She smiled. "Right."

As we got our lunch, I looked around. My eyes wandered to my old table, and my eyes widened.

"Is that..."

"What did you say?"


Lisanna, curious, looked at towards the direction I was looking at. "What? What is it?"

"Hey, Lis, get your lunch first, k? I'll be right back."

"Hey, where are you—?"

I ran to my table and stopped as everyone turned their heads to look at me. Lucy continued to eat.


She flinched and looked at my direction.

"Sting, is it just me, or am I hearing Natsu's voice?"

"No, it's not just you." He said. "There he is."

I ran up to Lucy. She heard me, and grabbed my wrist.



We hugged. It felt so nice, hugging her again.

"What happened? I thought you were supposed to be home?"

"My parents allowed to come back again." She said, smiling.

"That's great!" I said. "My god, am I glad to see you."

"Me too."

Suddenly, someone poked me, and I flinched up.

"Natsu? Who's this?" She asked, smiling at everyone as a greeting. They waved.

"Oh, this is Lucy! The one I was talking about?"

Lisanna nodded, waving at Lucy. "Hello! I'm Lisanna!"

{Lucy POV}

She sounded like an asshole.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I didn't want to judge her as soon as I met her, but her voice...

"Hello. I'm Lucy." I said, smiling. "Um, you're Mira-san's sister, right?"

"Wow! Yes! I am!" She laughed. It sounded so similar to those who bullied me. I hated it.

But this was Natsu's friend, and she had been by his side to make him laugh and smile.

I hope.

"I really hope to get close with you!" Lisanna said. "Uh...It's okay if I ask, right?"


"Why are you wearing glasses? I don't think the sun is that bright..."

"Ah..." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Cmon, Lis, I told you this." Natsu said. "She...You know..."

I turned away, and stood up, suddenly not wanting to eat. I knew she asked that on purpose.

"I'm...I'll go back to class now." I said, grabbing Eagle's leash. "Have a nice day."


Eagle led me quickly to the trash can, and I threw away my lunch. I walked towards the door, before someone pulled me back.

"Lucy, wait!"

It was Natsu. "Look, I'm really sorry she asked that—"

I smiled. "No, it's okay. I just going back to class, I'm not upset! Don't worry. I've dealt with worse anyway, right?"

I could sense his worry. "Oh, don't be so worried about it. She could've forgotten!"

I smiled and gently removed his hand. "Well, see you later then. It was nice hearing your voice again."

I quickly opened the door and closed it behind me, wanting to walk away and just cry.

"I don't like her...I really don't like her..."

I wiped a tear falling from my face, and started to walk.

"Don't worry, she's just like everybody else..."

"What the hell is wrong with all of you?"

"I'm really sorry she asked that."

His reactions...they were so different.

I hated that.

As I continued to walk, I heard a familiar set of footsteps walk up next to me.

A big hand patted my head. "Sup, kiddo."

"Hey, Laxus Nii-Chan."

"Well, you don't sound so good. What's up?"

"Nothing to worry about. I just...feel down I guess."

"So that's why I'm asking you why."

I smiled. "Well...it's too long to explain."

"Then tell me later at home." He said, patting my head one last time. He petted Eagle before leaving.

I entered Mira-san's classroom, and sat down.

"How was your lunch, Lucy?"

"It was fine, thank you." I said. "By the way, your sister is back from Australia?"

"Yes! She is, actually." Mira-San said, her voice as sweet as honey. "You saw her?"

"I did. She seemed...rather nice." I said, a bit hesitant.

"Oh, she's an angel. I'm sure the two of you will get along!"

As she left to help another student, I wondered if she knew what her sister was really like.

I don't think she was sure.

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