Chapter Six

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Daddy Issues

The Sato Mansion


Asami woke up very early and was laying on top of Korra. The bender was so peaceful and calm. Asami didn't want to move. She could stay like this forever.

I love you Korra

The green eyed beauty had to get up. Asami knew that she would have to phone in Air Temple Island. She had to tell all of them that Korra was safe. Asami shuts her bedroom door gently so the other woman doesn't wake up. The young Sato walks to the end of the hallway and dials in the Temple.

A sad voice answered "Hello this is Pema from Air Temple Island. May I ask who is speaking?"

I am the worst person in the whole world.

"Hey Pema, it is just Asami Sato here."

The one that killed your husband..
I'm so sorry..
He was supposed to leave unharmed..

Pema was shocked "Oh poor sweetie, has no one told you what happened to Korra? She has been missing since yesterday. We are all worried that something may have happened to her after what Bolin had told us."

He took the body back to the temple

Asami quickly spoke back. "Umm, actually Pema, Korra isn't missing. Someone rang the doorbell very late last night and left her laying on the steps in front of my mansion. Korra is a little injured but she will be safe in my hands."

Pema sounded a little bit relieved. "Oh thank spirits she is safe."

I'm glad she's safe too

Pema starts to cry "I- I don't think my family and I could handle another loss right now. Please do whatever it takes to keep her safe Asami. When she recovers, bring her here. The kids and I would love to see her."

Tears start forming on the young Sato. "I am sorry for your loss."

Pema said thank you and hung up. The young Sato laying back on the wall crying. She just couldn't stop. Her dad walks past her shaking his head.

Hiroshi looks at his daughter straight into her cloudy green eyes and says. "This is what happens when you get involved. You get hurt and you hurt the people that you love. I heard from Amon what had gone down last night. I hope that you drop this mission soon. I can't handle seeing you hurt. I can't lose my only daughter to a bender just like we lost your mother. I hope that you come to your senses soon Asami. Seeing you with that fireboy made me sick and now that you're fooling around with Korra, the fucking Avatar! What were you thinking Asami? This isn't the mission. The mission was never to date the Avatar. Ugh It makes me question if you are my daughter?"

The young Sato didn't dare to speak back to him, she rushed to her bedroom and closed the door shut. Her fists and head against the door as she continues to break down into tears.

Why do I ruin people's lives?

Korra starts to wake up and mumbles "Asami?"

She's finally awake!

The green eyed beauty wipes her own tears away and goes up to Korra. She gives the bender a big hug. Korra started to cry.

Asami gently touches Korra's face and says. "Korra, it's okay. You are safe here, beautiful."

Korra pulls Asami in for a soft kiss. The younger woman accidentally bumps the other woman's nose. Asami breaks the gentle kiss and quickly touches her own nose.

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