Chapter Ten

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Southern Water Tribe


It has been six months since Korra had faced Amon. It haunts her knowing that that man is out there somewhere still. Tears come out at the thought of Asami. There wasn't a single day that Korra didn't think about the other woman.

Is she dead?

I should move on.

It's been months.

The only people that knew about the bond between Asami and Korra were Kya and Mako. Mako despised the young Sato for everything she had done. The firebender had now made it clear to Korra who he wanted. Korra had started dating him to feel something. She has been with him for the past three months. Mako was doing well for himself he was now a police officer and bought a slightly bigger apartment with Bolin in the city still. He truly believed that Korra was supposed to be with him and only him. Unfortunately she wasn't feeling the same. Every time they hugged and kissed it just wasn't right for the young woman. Korra couldn't move forward with Mako. She kept thinking about the other woman whenever she was with the firebender. Korra needed some time away from everything so she went to the Southern Water Tribe to see her family. She just couldn't live in Mako and Bolin's apartment in Republic City. The water tribe woman knew that she could stay at the Air Temple but she didn't want Mako just to come over whenever he liked. Korra needed to be on a break with the firebender and just leave Republic City for a bit. Mako didn't like the idea of being on a break but Korra assured him that it was just to help her figure some things out.

The young Avatar so far enjoyed spending time with her mother and father in the Southern Water Tribe. Senna and Tonraq knew that something was wrong with Korra but they just didn't know what. She had her bending back, she could now enter The Avatar State but something was wrong and her parents were worried. Something had broken their daughter. Korra had decided that she wanted to stay a little longer for the Glacier Spirits Festival. She had sent a letter to Mako and Bolin asking if they wanted to come down for the event. The boys accepted the offer. Bolin was excited for the Water Tribe festival and Mako was just excited to see Korra.

Hopefully Mako and Bolin can stop me from thinking about Asami then

Korra's father starts to speak, "I am glad that we finally get to see your boyfriend!"

Yay my family gets to tease me when he arrives..

Mako as my boyfriend honestly sounds weird to me still.

I just wished that I got to say that Asami was my girlfriend..

Ugh I just miss her so damn much.

"Honestly, I needed this break away from him.." Korra confessed

Tonraq looking at his daughter confused, "What do you mean Korra? I'm sure your mother and I can give you advice."

Where do I start??

The woman that I loved had possibly died and I'm using Mako to get over her because I'm an asshole.

"Oh.. it's nothing. You two wouldn't understand anyways.. It's complicated." Korra mumbles out.

Tonraq knew that she wasn't going to move this topic further so he changed it, "Umm Korra.. Someone is coming down here for a business meeting. We have made an agreement to take their new line of jet skis and boats."

Ugh yay! More people!

Korra looking up at her dad confused why he said that to her, "Okay.. cool."

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