Chapter 3

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(Still Y/N's POV)


I woke up to sounds coming from the room next door. I quietly opened the door to find George at his setup, angrily clicking on his mouse. When he noticed me in the backround, he pressed a button, presumably muting his stream, and apologized profusely.

"Who's that George? Your girlfriend?" Someone said

"NO! Guys, this is Y/n. She was kicked out of her house and now she's living with me! You wanna say hi?" George asked me.

"Sure. Hi whoever this pissbaby is talking to!" 


"Hey Mamas, I'm Sapnap" The first voice said

"Hello. Nice to meet you. I'm Dream, but you can call me Clay. If I may, can you give me your Discord?" Said the other voice

"Yeah sure! Its U/N!" I replied.

"Thanks. I'll text you later?" He asked

"Sure!" I happily said, walking into my room. As I exited George's room, I heard Sapnap teasing Dream asking him about his newest "number". I smiled and left the room.

(A/N: Sorry for the short update! My parents are coming home, and I'm not supposed to be on. I'll update tonight probably. Drink water and see ya!)

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