Chapter 9

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(Y/n's POV)

Dream stayed in my room until morning. Then, we hauled ourselves off the bed and into the kitchen. George was already there, sipping his tea

"Good morning you two. Hey Clay, I didn't see you when I woke up. And is it a coincidence that your room door was locked? Hm?" George asked

"Oh no I-" Dream said before breaking into a fit of laughter. "I went to the bathroom and I was coming out when I saw Y/n heading out of her room. So we talked and then we came downstairs."

"Mhm." George said, raising an eyebrow but nothing more.

(tImE sKiP)

A few days passed by and things had changed a little. George fixed the guest room and Dream moved there, but we still went to each others rooms to sleep. We had a routine, go to bed, wait for George to fall asleep, and tiptoe to each others room. In the morning we would wake up and sneak the other back into their previous room. But on the seventh night he was here, something different happened.

Things started out like usual, me sneaking off into his room and him turning off his phone and turning over to cuddle me. But this is when things went sideways

"Good night Y/n" He said while kissing my forehead. 

I felt utter shock that he kissed me. So I turned around and looked into his eyes

"Oh..." He said "If you aren't ready for that let me k-" I cut him off with a kiss to the lips. We melted into each other, only stopping once for breath. After about four minutes, we pulled away from each other.

"Wow. That was... amazing" He said after a short pause.

"Yeah..." I said, gasping for air.

"Listen... I don't think we can keep hiding it from each other. I really like you Clay. If you don't feel the same, I understand. But I can't hide my feelings any longer. I'm sorry." I trudged out the door, discouraged

"Y/n. Wait." He whisper-yelled

"Why?" I replied

"George doesn't snore." He said "I really like you too, and I'm glad we can both admit this. I want you Y/n. So, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yeah." I said, tears of joy pricking at the edge of my eyes. I ran up to hug him and we embraced for a long time before returning to the cuddling position and falling asleep.

A/N: Heloo! What'cha doing ya'll? Thanks for FIVE HUNDRED READS! This is beyond me. Also, I would like to take the time to address a certain persons problems. 

Ciciscribbles has recently been receiving some hate. If one of the people that are sending this hate is you, fuck you. No one gives a shit about your negative comments about how you want to "kill yourself because of her writing" and whatnot. And before you ask, no. I do not now Cici personally and have not talked to her. But I have read her stories, and she is an amazing writer. No one deserves the shit that she has been given. So for all you good people that are reading this, go check out Woman Pog. It is one of my favorite stories on this platform. And while you are at it, give her story a vote. And all the rest of the stories. Put positive things and give her lots of love. She deserves it. Cici, you are welcome. And if I find out that any one of you put negative shit in her stories, you WILL be blocked from a lot of places. Good day.

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