Chapter 24

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After everyone got back we told them to head downstairs. Me and Clay had talked before about bringing new people since George was gone and we had a couple of open spaces.

"What do you want?" Schlatt asked, chugging down a root beer.

"Well, since we have some people gone from the house, do you guys want anyone else to come here? I have a old friend, kind of like a younger sister to me that I want to invite. But we still have a couple of spots since Puffy moved to Sam's room and I moved to Clay's room. So, any people in mind?" I said. 

"OH COME ON NOW. I JUST GOT THE ROOM TO MYSELF AND I HAVE TO SHARE IT AGAIN? BULLSHIT." Minx screamed, plopping down onto the couch.

"Why don't we bring Charlie?" Tubbo asked. 

"Sure! He can take George's bed. And since we have one more bed in Minx's room, we need another girl." I replied.

"OR NOT NO JUST ME AND YOUR FRIEND THANKS BYE" Minx shouted, turning around and stomping away."

"Okay, so I'll go invite Victoria then!" I said, walking away. 

Victoria was one of the few friends that I had snuck out to see while my parents had been abusing me. She was seventeen and a really big part of my life. I got to experience being an older sister figure to her and watch her grow up. Meanwhile, she had sat through all my crying and was always there for me, even when times were rough. So, this was the least I could do. I called her up and she picked up on the second ring.

"Hey Vic!" I said. "You know who the Dream Team is?"

"Hell yeah!" She replied. "I watch everything they do!"

"Oh really? You know who the Sleepy Boi's are?" 

"Yeah... you know I have the hots for Tommy. What are you getting at here?" 

"Well, I was wondering if you would want to meet them?" 

I heard silence on the other line and then a scream.

"YOU MET THEM?" She yelled.

"Sorta... I'm kinda dating the leader?" I said with a wince.

"YOU WHATTTT" She bellowed.

"So Clay's flying you out in about a week. See you soon!" And with that, I hung up and sent her all the flight info. 

"And while she's here, why don't you play a little bit of matchmaking? See if you could get her and Tommy together." I thought aloud.

"Wow. You really want your friend to date Tommy?" Clay asked, walking into the room.

"Yeah. Is that okay sir?" I asked, leaning on his shoulder.

"Of course." He answered. 

We both went downstairs to do something fun. 

"Hey! You two wanna do some Smashing?" Sam asked, waving us over. Clay, Niki, Wilbur, Phil, Ranboo, Puffy and I looked at him and started bursting into laughter. Then he realized what he said and covered his face in embarrassment. When we were done busting a gut, we started up an eight-player smash tourney. The matchups were

Clay vs Phil                                                                                            Ranboo vs Niki

Sam vs Wilbur                                                                                       Puffy vs Me

We started off with Philza and Clay. Clay chose Yoshi because according to him, it was the only character he knew growing up. Phil chose Duck Hunt because it was a dog. And in a surprising turn of events, Clay swallowed Phil whole and spat him off the map, earning his first victory.

Next was Sam and Wilbur. Sam chose Samus for her long-range missles and Wilbur chose Jigglypuff because she sang. Of course, Sam dominated Wil because he had a arsenal of weapons to choose from.

Third came Ranboo and Niki. Ranboo chose the Enderman, of course. (If you didn't know, the Enderman is one of the DLC characters) Niki chose Kirby because she thought it was cute. It was a close battle, but in the end Niki won because she had Wilbur cover Ranboo's eyes while she punched him off the stage.

"THATS NOT FAIR" Ranboo yelled, throwing down his controller and walking away.

Finally, it was Me vs Puffy. She chose King K. Rool because he had a move that let him be a pirate and I chose Ganondorf because he was big. 

At first I had immediately fell off because I got blasted by Puffy. But as the battle roared on, I learned more about her movements and was easily able to counter them to claim my victory.

Second round was Clay vs Sam. Sam started off with a bang and killed Clay twice, but he slowly lost his lead as Clay whittled down his lives. In the end, Clay came victorious by slamming into Sam and knocking him off the stage. 

Second round Part 2 had Me and Niki. She tried to have Wilbur cover my eyes again but hopelessly failed when she fell off the stage from laughing too hard.

Final round was Me and Clay. We had gotten each other to a standstill and when time ran out, we went to Sudden Death. I leaned over to him and whispered in his ear.

"You can win." I told him and gave him a long kiss on the lips. While he was distracted, I stole his controller. 

"... Wheres my remote?" Clay asked me.

"Right here. " I teased, and knocked him off with a sword blow to the head. The words Ganondorf WINS was etched into the screen.

"THATS NOT FAIR." Clay repeated, and tackled me on the sofa. We wrestled for a bit, but Clay was way too strong for me. Soon, he had me pinned down and I was struggling to get out of his grip.

"I love you" He whispered in my ear, and left me on the sofa and went to go talk to Eret and Minx.

A/N: Heloooooooooo. Thanks SOO much for SIX THOUSAND VIEWS! Unfortunately, I won't be uploading for a week or so because I'm going on a road trip! So have a good Spring Break (If thats this week for you) and drink water. See yaaaa!

 ~ (P.S: Fun fact: the little squiggly line on a keyboard is called a tilde.) ~

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