Chapter 7

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"CLAYYYYYYY!!!" I exclaimed

"Hey" He said

We embraced in a hug for a good 2-3 minutes. When we let go, we both had a smile on our faces. 

"Happy birthday" He said with a grin. He reached into his pocket and brought out a small box. He handed it to me.

"Open it!"

I cracked open the box to find the most beautiful necklace in the world. 

"Do you like it?" He questioned


Suddenly, George ran into my room

"Hey guys, theres a bit of a problem with the rooms. So Clay, you just have to share a room with me. Is that okay?

He gave a thumbs up and George went back to his room.

Soon, night approached, and we had to go to bed. George had brought out a sleeping bag for Clay and all of us went to sleep. But after a little bit, I heard someone walk into the room. It was Clay.

"Hey... George snores really loud. Do you mind if I sleep here?" He asked

"Sure! Go ahead." I nodded

He took his sleeping bag and layed it on the floor. He tossed and turned but he didn't settle.

"Hey Clay... you seem a bit uncomfortable. You wanna just share the bed?" I asked

"Sure. I hope you don't mind... " He replied

"No, its fine. C'mere"

And with that confirmation he slipped into the bed. I was glad he had our backs turned to each other, because he couldn't see me blushing. I fell asleep to the sound of him breathing.

I woke up to the sound of someone breathing in my ear. I turned to see Clay cuddling me in his arms. I don't know how it happened, but it felt good. I turned back around and let him continue cuddling me.


I slowly opened my eyes and saw the sleeping face of Y/N. She looked absolutely stunning with her closed eyes and (H/C) hair. I woke her up gently with a small kiss on the forehead and a light shake.

"C'mon Y/N. I want to go back to George so he doesn't think I'm missing. Wake up." I whispered

"Mmm. Five more minutes. You're so warm and cozy" She muttered

"No Y/N. I need to get back so George won't come looking."

"Fineeeee. I'm getting up." She groaned

(A/N: Heloooo. Last chapter for today, I will upload probably Thursday, maybe a bit earlier but I have no idea. Anyways, I'm planning to make the Dream Team go to George's house to stay for a "week"  later in the story, maybe Chapter 10? Anyway, share your favorite breakfast food in the comments. Also, if you want to, please vote for this story. It means a lot and I really like this story. Drink water, and cyaaaaaaaa)

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