Chapter 11

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(Dreams POV)

I sat in the airport, tapping my feet and sweating profusely. What if she didn't like it here and wants to move back? What if she just doesn't like me anymore? What if she died here?

All those questions rushed through my head as the door to her and George's gate opened and she came out of the tunnel, looking left and right. A huge smile emerged from my face as I texted her.

                                                                                  Y/N <3

Clay: Look Up!

Y/N <3: Why?

I saw her glance up from her phone and we made eye contact. She dropped her luggage and sprinted towards me. I held out my arms as she jumped into them.

"I missed you." She said, cuddling into my neck.

"I missed you too." I said, gently letting her down.

"What are you two doing?" George asked, carrying both their carry-on bags. We scheduled the rest of their furniture and things to be sent in about a week so they could get used to Florida before unpacking.

"Uh... I wanted off the plane and he scared me at the gate?" Y/n said questionably.

"Ok you two, what's going on between you guys? You've been acting weird since Clay left and I saw all these weird coincidences when Clay stayed in England."

"Um..." Y/n looked at me and we made a silent agreement with our eyes. "There's nothing going on between us George. Are you feeling okay?"

"I KNOW SOMETHINGS UP. SOMETHING IS GOING ON." George practically yelled.

"George. Nothing is going on." I said while slowly grabbing Y/n's hand. "Nothing at all."

"Y'know what? I'm going to believe you. Just know that I feel like you two are doing things." George stated, not seeing their hands. He walked away, shaking his head. "I'll meet you two at the car. I need to pee."

"Whew! That was close!" Y/n stated, leaning into my chest. I started to play with her hair as we  stood there soaking in each others presence. After a few minutes of this we decided to head back. George was already at the valet, angrily tapping his foot.

"Where were you two, huh? Making out already?" He deadpanned

"Relax George, I got her a pretzel cause she was hungry." I replied

"Then where is this non-existent pretzel?" He asked

"George, calm down. We weren't doing anything. I saw a pretzel stand and I got hungry. So I asked Clay if he could buy me one. We aren't dating, and certainly not making out." Y/n countered.

"Fine." He replied as the car pulled up to the entrance of the airport. He got into the passenger seat and slammed the door. Me and Y/n looked at each other again and decided we wouldn't tell him soon. I got into the drivers seat and Y/n got into the backseat and we drove off.


Listen, I need your guy's help

Which kind of book do you want next? This one will not be ending in the near future, but I will stop at 32 chapters. All my future books and stories will stop at 32 chapters, as well as 1-2 bonus chapters for what happens to the characters in the future or an alternate ending scenario. (Note: This does not include A/N's and separate chapters not related to the story. So there will be 32 story chapters with maybe 5 A/N or unrelated chapters). I choose 32 because it is 1: My absolute favorite number. It is my current basketball number and 2: It feels like a good number to stop at.

Anyway, comment on the next book that you want. The voting will close around when this book ends. I will post a separate chapter saying exactly when. But here are your options:

Ranboo x OC                                                                      6

Tommyinnit x Reader                                                     3

Wilbur x Niki Nihachu                                                     9

BBH x Reader                                                                      5

Technoblade x Reader                                                     5

Captain Puffy x Awesamdude                                       9

Comment on which one YOU want to see! Drink water and seeeeeeee yaaaaaaa

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