Chapter 13

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(Dream's POV)

At around seven my alarm rang. I didn't want to disturb Y/n so I quietly let go of her and tiptoed out of her room. I was in the middle of walking backwards to make sure she didn't wake up when I heard Sapnap's voice from behind me.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Um. Well I-... uh... I... buh... she...." I stuttered.

"Dream... answer me this. Did you hurt her?" He questioned, narrowing his eyes.

"NO! Why would I do that?" I whisper-yelled.

"Then what were you doing in there?" He said in a relatively loud voice.

"SHHHHH. You're going to wake her." I covered his mouth with my hand.

"What's going on?" Y/n said, emerging from her room, rubbing her eyes."

"Oh no no no no Y/n sweetie go back to sleep." I told her, forgetting that Sapnap was next to me.

"Sweetie? Wait. Have you two been... sleeping together?" He asked

"NO! Well, yes, but not in the sex way. Just the cuddling way." I said.

"Hold on Y/n... come here." He looked at the both of us. "Are you two dating?"

"Yes, but please don't tell anyone. You're the first person to know." Y/n pleaded, grasping my hand and pulling me closer to her. "We really love each other."

I quickly turned to her and widened my eyes in surprise. "You- you love me?" I asked carefully.

"Yes. I really do." She turned to me and we kissed.

"My god, get a room." Sapnap said, turning back to go to his room.

"Well, since we're up, you wanna go get breakfast?" Y/n asked me.

"Breakfast? I'm in!" Sapnap exclaimed, bursting out of his room at record speeds.

A/N: HI! I just realized while making this part that I hadn't addressed why none of them have streamed... so lets just say they were until now and took a break to move. K?

(Rubs hand together) OK people, time for the triple update. Woo! Drink water and see yaaaaaaa

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