Chapter 6

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(Dreams POV)

Finally. The day had come. Time for me to fly out to Britain to see Y/n. I was debating on whether or not to bring a pillow when my phone rang. It was Y/n. I answered it and turned on my camera.

"Hey beautiful! Whats going on?" I asked

"Nothing. You've just been very cheerful today, and i wanted to ask about the change of mood. Also, you haven't streamed all day." She stated

"Oh, it's nothing. Just excited to do something, that's all."

"Uh, okay! Bye!"

"Love ya! Bye"

I hung up, and a few moments after, I realized what I had said. I thought to myself.

"well, if she likes me back, that would be great. But if she didn't... well, I don't want to go there right now. I checked my phone and saw that she had put a text in our DMs

Y/n: Love ya too <3

I couldn't believe it! But I had no time to try and decipher her meaning. My Uber honked outside and I walked down into the car. 

(Timeskip 10 hours cause im lazy)

I arrived in Britain after a long flight. George texted me that he was outside. I sprinted out the doors to find him waiting with a sign saying CLAY in bold letters. I ran up to him and gave him a big hug. 

"Ready to see her?" He asked

"Yup!" I replied as we hopped into the car and sped off

(Another timeskip to the house cause nothin rly happened in car trip) 

I walked into George's house and quietly tiptoed into her room. I creaked open the door to see her back turned to me, watching Youtube on her phone. I snuck up behind her and grabbed her by the waist. She instinctively turned around and covered her face. 


(A/N: Hey guys: One more chapter for today. I intend for there to be 20-25 chapters, maybe more. Around Chapter 10, things start getting interesting with the pair. Drink water and seee yaaaaaa)

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