Chapter 21

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Y/n's POV

I rubbed my eyes as several small children jumped all over me and my roommates beds.

"GET UP GET UP WE'RE GOING TO THE BEACH PHIL SAID IT'S GOING TO BE SUCH A LONG DRIVE COME ON WE WANT TO BE THE FIRST ONES THERE PLEASE" Tommy screamed, bouncing on Minx's bed. I had Tubbo on my bed and Ranboo was jumping on the floor, too afraid to hit his head on the ceiling. But, Puffy still had another person with her in the bed. 

"One," Minx slowly rose from her bed. "Never try to jump on my bed or I will strangle you. Two: Get out of the room so we can get ready. And three: Puffy, who's in your bed?"

"Uh... thats my giant stuffed bear. His name is Sam." She said, pulling her covers off to reveal a human-sized bear. I stared it in the eyes until it looked away.

"IT MOVED" I screamed.

"Um... ok?" Puffy replied, tilting her head. "Whatever you say."

I turned back to the boys.

"You realize that we are living right next to the fucking beach, right? Phil tricked you guys." I told them. They froze for a second before wandering off, screaming for Philza. 

"Alright Y/n and Puffy, let's get ready." Minx said, rising out of bed.


We all got dressed and ready for the beach. The children led the charge , wielding squirt guns and buckets. Second went the young adults and everyone else. Then, we went down. We, as in me, Clay, George, Minx, Puffy, Awesamdude, Schlatt and Philza. All of us brought some form of surfing gear. Me, Clay, George and Minx brought boogieboards while Puffy, Awesamdude and Phil brought surfboards. Schlatt brought a giant water chair and a cooler full of beer, so he wandered off to set it up. 

"Ready?" Clay asked as we stood right next to the water.

"Ready." I replied, jumping in. 


"HEY! GIVE ME MY CRISPS BACK"  Tommy shouted, running after Skeppy, who was pouring them down into his mouth by the handful.

(IDK that was just something I thought was funny)

They day ended with all of us constructing a huge pyramid of sand and letting Foolish and Techno stomp through it, screaming about the Egyptian Government. As the moon approached the sky on the second day of fun, we had a big campfire over the setting sun and we trekked back to the house for some sleep. I got ready and snuck over to Clay's room. 

"Hey" I said.

"Hi" He replied, throwing his phone onto the floor and patting the bed.  

I slipped under the covers and felt the warmth of Clay on my back. I snuggled closer and fell asleep.

No Ones POV

Minx snapped awake from her dream. She looked from side to side, relieved that Schlatt was not trying to put her in a clown suit. But when she glanced at Y/n's bed, it was empty.

"PUFFY" She whisper-yelled.

"Huh? What? There's no one else here, what do you mean?" She rapidly spoke, pausing for breath. 

"Okay... but where's Y/n?" Minx asked

"I don't know, I was asleep with Sam." Puffy replied,  protectively hugging her bear.

The two walked around for a bit, searching the house. When the duo could not find her, they knocked on every door, waking everyone up to find Y/n. When everyone emerged into the hallway, only two doors were still closed. Dreams, and Awesamdude's.

"Where's Sam?" Bad asked,  opening his door to reveal an empty bed. 

"We'll deal with him later. For now, all attention is on Y/n." Puffy said, breaking out in a nervous sweat.

"Guys..." Skeppy said, opening Dream's door to reveal a sleeping Y/n, cuddled up against Dream's side.

"Awww" Everyone said simultaneously.

"What do you guys want" Dream asked, rubbing his eyes.

Everyone spit out several questions at once.

"Stop!" Y/n shouted. "One question only. From one person. The rest we will answer in the morning."

"Are you guys dating?" Karl said, raising his eyebrows.  

"Yes." Said Dream, Y/n, Sapnap, Skeppy and Bad.

"YOU KNEW?" Everyone else screamed, rushing up to them.

"What did I miss? What's happening?" Sam said, rushing out of Minx, Y/n, and Puffy's room with fluffy bear slippers.

Suddenly, all attention was on Sam

"Why were you in Y/n's room?" Alex asked.

"Yeah! And those slippers look like the ones on Sam the Bear on Puffy's bed." Niki stated.

"Alright, let's give Y/n and Dream some privacy for now..." Puffy said, slowly closing their door. 

"Soooo..." Schlatt started. "Puffy and Sam?"

"Yeah." Sam provided, kicking off the slippers. "It happened almost a year ago."

"A YEAR?" Everyone shouted yet again.


And at that, everyone split off to their own rooms, with Sam and Puffy going to Sam's room instead.

A/N: Longest chapter!!!! Q&A next and I'm at 5% also these people dating are just fictional and only in my story not in real life okay so drink wotr and byeeeeeeeee.

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