Chapter 18

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(TW: Parental abuse)

Y/n's POV

"Listen here you little piece of shit." My "mom" whispered. "I will kill you right here. The door is locked. There's no use for screaming. Here is what you do. You go to your friends and act normal. You do not say that you saw me here or I will kill you and your friends. Understood?" 

I gave a small nod, too afraid to say anything. She pushed me out from the restroom and I walked back to my friends.

"Hey Y/n! We were just talking about where we want to go after lunch. You OK with Space Mountain?" George exclaimed.

"Sure" I said shakily.

"Alright, let's go everyone!" Clay said, pushing his chair in.

Time skIP

I walked in the door, too tired to get in my pajama's. I flopped down on my bed and almost immediately fell asleep.

I woke up a while later, the sun shining out of my window. A note was taped to my lamp. It read:

"Hey Sweetie!

Me, George and Sapnap went to go pick up some groceries. Be back at 11.

Love, Clay.

I read the note and sighed in relief. I was so tired, I could sleep for days. But I heard the doorbell ring.

I looked at the clock. It only read 10:45. I figured they were home early so I opened the door.

"Hey guys! You're a li-" I stopped mid-sentence when I saw my mom with a gun pointed at me. Behind her was my dad with another gun to a man's head.

"BAD? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I asked, ignoring the two guns pointed at two different heads.

"I was- OW- trying to surprise you guys." He said.

My mom pushed me aside, handing her gun to my father, who had the two guns pointed at us.

"Now, is this your little boyfriend's house?" She said. "It's quite nice. We'll just take all his money and belongings and leave you imbeciles alone. Kapeesh?"

"Sorry for getting you into this mess. They followed me and I ran to the driveway and then they tr- " Bad asked.

"QUIET" My "dad" said, burrowing the guns deeper into our heads.

Suddenly, I hear a car door slam. I saw Clay running up with a gun of his own. Sapnap wielded a  baseball bat and George stood by the car, talking to someone on his phone, presumably the police.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW." Clay screamed, loading the gun and standing in the doorframe. Sapnap, however, jumped and knocked my "dad" cold with his bat. He dropped the pistols, and while me and Bad bent down to pick them up, Clay jumped over us and went to a standstill with my "mom".

"I'm going to say this one last time. Get the fuck out of my house. NOW." Clay yelled, waving his gun."

"Ok. I'm going, I'm going." She said with an eye-roll. She was just out the door when the police showed up.

"HANDS IN THE AIR. NOW." A officer said, approaching my "mom".

A/N: Hey guyssss... Sorry for leaving ya'll on a cliffhanger but I needed to think of something. Only two more chapters today, sorry. Drink H2O and see yaaaaaa.

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