Chapter 25

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I was talking to Foolish and Ranboo about random stuff when I heard the doorbell ring.

"I'LL GET IT" I said, sprinting down to the front door. I opened it, and I saw a face I haven't seen for months.

"VIC!" I squealed.

"Y/N" She screamed. 

We embraced in a hug until she looked over my shoulder, saw two-thirds of the Dream Team chatting, and promptly fainted.

An half-hour later, she woke up. We had carried her to the couch and while she drowsily got up, the door rang again.

"Is that Charlie?" Schlatt asked. 

Bad went to open the door.

"No, just Tommy and Tubbo." He said.


He shut up when he noticed Vic get up from the couch. Her eyes dilated to see her favorite streamer, Tommyinnit. They stared at each other for a moment before speaking.

"Hello" Vic said, her eyes shining.

"Hi" Tommy replied, scratching the back of his neck. "You want a tour of the place?" 

"Sure!" She answered. She put her arm orund him for support and he led her down the hall.

And then the doorbell rang. Again. And again. and over and over until Puffy shouted.

"Got it!" She yelled.

She opened the door and lo behold, Charlie Slimecicle was here.

"Charlie!" She exclaimed, giving him a side-hug.

"Hey Puffy!" He said, reciprocating the hug. "How are you and Sam? Still together?" 

"Hang on a minute..." Dream said. "You told us that no one knew except your parents. How does Charlie know?"

"Uhm." Sam buffered. "Some people knew..." 

"Who?" Dream asked.

"I did" Charlie raised his hand.

"So did I" Eret added.

"And me." Quackity also added.

"So three people knew. Anyone else?" Dream asked, looking around.


"Okay. So where do I put my bags?" Charlie asked.

"Third door to the right" Dream responded, rubbing his head.

A/N: Short first chapter, still getting back into the flow of things. Next chapter, coming up!

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