Chapter 27

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(TW: Abuse)


The house was empty.


I was alone.

"Hello?" I shouted.

No one responded.

"Anybody there? Hello?" I shouted yet again.

And again, nobody answered.

I wandered down the hall.

And a light flickered on in the kitchen.

"Mom? Dad?" I walked into the den.

Into the kitchen.

And my parents are sitting on the table.

Sharpening blades.

Bags on the table, money flooding out of them.

Guns laid out on the floor.

"Mom?" I whispered. "What are you doing?"

She sharply turns her head. 

"Come here." She beckons me over.

I step over the guns.

My dad flips me onto the table.

I feel the bruises develop.

My mom pulls her knife to my throat.

I swallow hard.

"No one will ever know." She says.

She pulls the knife off my neck.

I rub the spot where she put it.

Suddenly, she slits my arm.

I feel the knife scrape through my skin.

I hear myself scream, but I can't move.

I smell the blood dripping from the blade.

I turn my head and see more cuts on my wrist than I imagined.

They scale down my arm, and on my other arm. 

The last thing I see is my mom smiling down on me.

I snap awake. Sweat is pouring down my face. It takes a second to remember where I am. My earliest memory of my parents abuse played through my head like a video on repeat. I was in Clay's arms. I was safe.

"Hey! You okay? You were shouting and twisting in your sleep." He asked

"I'm... okay. Thanks." I replied.

"No. I know when you're lying. Now spill." 

And I told him everything.

A/N: Short chapter writing another one soon byeeee

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