Chapter 22

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Y/n's POV

(TW: Yelling, insulting, blood, bad words. Lots and lots of bad words and slurs.)

I snuggled closer into Clay, no space between our bodies. Soon, I fell asleep, with Clay falling asleep right after. Unbeknownst to us, everyone had gathered outside our door, worrying about me. I heard the faint voice of Puffy, sounding nervous even through the door. I noticed the light coming though the doorway, signifying that it had been opened. I felt Clay rise up slowly, talking in a whisper. After a little bit, I had gotten irritated by the shouting voices, all overlapping.

"ENOUGH!" I said, too stressed by the fact they had found everything out. "ONE QUESTION!" 

Karl had asked if we were dating. To my surprise, me, Clay, Skeppy, Bad and Sapnap answered with the same tone. Irritation. I went to go lay down when I heard Awesamdude running down the hallway. A few quiet murmurs occurred before someone closed the doors. Another couple of moments later, I heard everyone scream something about a year. I felt Clay get up, open the door, yell something, close the door, and return to bed. 

"What did you say to them?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Told them we would all answer them in the morning. Now, where were we?" He replied, curling back to me.


When I woke up, I had the sensation of Clay holding me for about ten seconds. Then, the utter doom of revealing everything to everyone had crashed onto me. I began to cry, too nervous to speak.

"Hey! Hey! Whats wrong?" Clay asked, jolting awake to rub my back.

"Nothing. I'm just afraid people might hate me now." I answered, shaking.

"Look at me." Clay said, softly turning my head to look at him. "They won't hate you. And if you're not ready, I can tell them by myself and have you wait until you're ready.  Is that what you want to do?"

"No... lets go tell our friends about Clay and Y/n. And maybe find out what everyone was shouting about yesterday." I said, standing up.

"Okay, lets go tell everyone about Y/n and Clay.." He replied, pushing a strand of hair out of my face.

We walked down, hand in hand. Almost everyone was at the table, eating pancakes. Wilbur and Niki were playing MarioParty on the TV, teamed up against Sam and Puffy, who were wrapped in a blanket together.

"What happened with Puffy and Sam?" I asked.

"Apparently they've been in a year-long relationship without telling any of us. And they moved in with each other too." Karl said, concentrated on his pancakes.


"Actually, I was the bear. It was the only way to try and sleep together without any suspicion." Sam said, taking off his bear slippers.

"And we didn't tell anyone but our parents because we were too afraid of leaks." Puffy added, putting her head on Sam's lap.

"You two are so happy with each other. I'm glad you found the right guy Puffy. And Sam, you hurt her, there might be another body to add to my collection in my basement." I said, casually checking out my nails.

"WAIT WHA-" Sam yelled before Puffy silenced him with a kiss. 

"So, we all have a lot of questions about you two too!" Puffy squealed, setting down her controller. Everyone rushed straight for us, with George bringing up the rear. 

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