Chapter 23

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Dreams POV

I peered over the back of a sleeping Y/n. She looked so peaceful, completely forgetting about the events of earlier today. Her soft breathing lulled me back to sleep.


"Hey" Y/n poked me in the back. "Wake up! I wanna go downstairs and talk to everyone!" 

"Hm?" I asked, morning voice creeping into my throat.

"Come on! Please? I'll give you a kiss?"

"How about two?" 

"Fineee" She leaned in for a peck on the cheek. "One,"

I pulled her in and gave her a deep kiss on the lips, melting into it like fire in my soul. She kept a look of surprise for a little bit before closing her eyes and sinking down, pushing her lips next to mine. It continued for a little bit before we pulled away, starved for breath.

"Two." I whispered, stars in both our eyes. I stepped out of bed and helped her up.

"What a gentleman." She whispered.

We stepped down the stairs and surprisingly, not a lot of people were there. Niki and Will were still on the couch, tucked into a single blanket and watching a movie. Niki looked asleep on Wilburs shoulder while he stroked her hair, faintly singing a lullaby. Meanwhile, Tommy and Ranboo were jumping around Tubbo and shooting him with Nerf Guns. Otherwise, everyone else was outside or in their rooms.

I stepped into Minx's room, Puffy had already moved into Sam's room so she had the room to herself.

"Hey Minx." I said. "Wheres Puffy and Sam?"

"They went on a walk." She replied.

"Alright. I want them to come back. I have an announcement." 

"What is it?"

"You'll see" And with that, I walked out.

A/N: Heyo cliffhanger! Go vote on what story you want next or I'll do the Puffy x Sam one cause I want to. Currently there is one on Techno and one on Tommy but four on Puffy cause I'm the writer and I have priority and uplifted votes. So go vote now! So drink liquid and goodbyeeeeeeee

Edit: So I should specify on how to vote. Just leave a comment on chapter 11 about what story you want next. Or leave a side comment on which story you want. I've extended the date to end the voting to this Friday at 9:45. So go go go go go

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