Chapter 15

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I woke up to find Clay's side of the bed empty. He was on his computer, talking to someone on his microphone while jumping around in Minecraft. I slowly walked up to him and took off his headset. He quickly muted his stream and I kissed him good morning. Suddenly I heard a chuckle and a high-pitched laugh. He turned to his computer and put his headset back on.

"GUYS! ITS NOT WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE!" He screamed, scrunching his forehead. "NO! I DO NOT HAVE A GIRL OVER." A pause. "Yes. It's Y/n." He said sheepishly.

"Who was that?" I asked

"Skeppy and Bad.  I forgot to mute on Discord and they heard."

"Alright guys, you don't tell anyone or you die.. Deal?" I said, coming onto the microphone.

"Ok... no need to get hasty" Clay said, taking the headset away from me and moving me


I hopped into bed with Clay, jumping next to him and laying my head on his lap.

"We really are bad at hiding our relationship, aren't we?" I asked as he played with my hair

"I know right? First Sapnap then Bad and Skeppy? We should disguise it better." Clay responded.

We stayed in that position in silence until we fell asleep. According to Sapnap, he walked into Clay's room and I had fell off the bed. 

A/N: I didn't know how to end that chapter. So yeah... anyway the lat 10 or so chapters will be a very special event! The rest will probably be filler chapters. Soo yeah.... Anyway, drink water and vote on which story you guys want! Good night!

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