Chapter 28

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Third Person POV

After she spilled out everything, Clay took her in his arms and whispered sweet words to her. She snuggled up against him and fell asleep again. 


This was it. The last day. Tomorrow, everyone would be home. And Y/N wanted to make the most out of it. She designed a party and spent all day decorating while everyone else was out on the beach. When they got back, they were welcomed to the living room half cleared out and decorations all over the place. 

"What are you doing Y/N?" Foolish asked.

"Oh! Hi." She replied, spooked. "I'm decorating for a final party before we all go." 

"Y'all go get ready, I'll help with decorations." Victoria said.

"Well now I'm staying and helping" Tommy said, picking up a bowl of pretzels.

"Same." Clay added, pushing the sofa out of the room.

"Nope! Get out." Y/N said. "We want to talk girl talk." 

"Fine. But if I walk in to you two talking and not working, I'm going to get really mad. Maybe even punish you Y/n." Clay said.

"Alright DAD." Victoria said, pushing them out and closing the door.

"And don't threaten my friend!" She shouted out the door. 

"So, how are you and Tommy doing? It's almost been a year!" Y/n asked, moving the coffee table out of the way.

"About that... we talked last night, and we think it would be best if-" Victoria started.


"Not so LOUD, jeez. At least let me finish before getting down on you knees." She shushed. "We both decided that long-distance was too hard, so I'm moving to the U.K." She took a deep breath.

"Oh." Y/n said sadly. "Well, I'm going to miss you." 

"Don't worry, I'll still visit and we'll still be able to text. We just won't see each other in person for a while."

"Well, how are you going to stay in the U.K? Are you moving in with Tommy?"

"Not for now. Him and Tubbo are planning on moving in together, so I'm renting a house for a couple of months near Tommy and then I'll jump on that bus when he turns 18."

"Okay, well how are you getting your things there?"

"I'm renting a moving company." Victoria said. "I'll be fine Y/n. you don't have to worry."

"Okay. I'm just worried about you." Y/n said, and started taking all the snacks to the table. 


The party was in full swing. Minx and Foolish were popping off on the dance floor together, while Techno and Phil watched from the sidelines. Niki and Wilbur were talking to Schlatt and Eret, with Wil having his arm on Niki's head. And Ranboo was trying to stop Tubbo from trying beer. Clay was standing with Y/n.

"This was a really good way to end the vacation." Clay said.

"Yeah. It was." Y/n said, slightly drooping.



Thank you all so much for your patience. I'm going to finish this story today! And after that, the very first chapter of Puffy x Sam and if I have the time today, Wilbur x Nihachu. Drink water and faceplant.

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