Chapter 4

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(Y/n's Pov still)

Dream sent a friend request

Dream sent a message

Dream: Hello!

Y/n: Hi!

Dream: so how u been?

Y/n: Since the three hours I last talked to you? I'm doing well.

Dream: heh

Y/n: Sooooooooo... how've you been?

Dream: I'm doing great! I'm talking to a very beautiful woman right now

Y/n: Awww

Y/n: Thats so nice of you!

Dream: I meant my mom.

Y/n: ... 

Dream: jk

Dream: LMAO

Dream: but srsly u sound rly great

Y/n: I'm blushing 

Dream: Hm.

Y/n: What?

Dream: I realized that you have very good grammar while texting

Y/n: Oops! Force of habit!

Dream: no

Dream: dont apologize

Dream: I think it's very cute


I was red in the face. Was he trying to flirt? Maybe. Did he like me? No, he's just being sweet. But I couldn't help but notice that my stomach churned whenever I thought about him. Maybe... Maybe I was actually starting to like him. I checked my phone to see that he had actually sent another message.

Dream: Wanna vc?

Y/n: Sure! Let me get my earbuds!

Back to IRL

I rushed to the bathroom to freshen up my hair and ran to my backpack to grab my earbuds. They had gotten a little smoldered by the bullet my dad shot at me, but otherwise they were fine. I have to remind myself to ask George to drive me to the store to get new ones. But these would have to do for now. I plugged them in and answered the ringing Discord chime

"Hey! Turn on your camera!" He said

"Only if you turn yours on" I replied

"Ok fineeeee. Three."



We both turned on our camera. I was blown away by his face. He had green eyes that shone like an emerald, blond hair that looked a bit brownish and a light-brown complexion.

"Wow Y/n. I heard your voice and thought you were pretty. Turns out I was right." Dream said softly

We started talking and my eyelids started getting heavy. Before I knew it, I was asleep.

(A/N: Hey guys. Ima be posting another 2-3 chapters today. My upload schedule may be a little wack sometimes, but I will get at least one chapter out every Monday and Thursday. Sometimes there might be other uploads on other days. So yeah. Drink water and see yaaaaaa)

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