Chapter 21

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I dressed in one of David's t-shirt and made my way downstairs, I went to the living room first but he wasn't there so I went to the kitchen instead, and there he is with his glorious naked back on display, he was cutting vegetables. Umm what a view, him cooking shirtless, I wanna make up on this view morning.

I cleared my throat softly to let him know of my presence, he instantly turned his head, David put the knife down and walked towards me, he lifted me and I automatically wrapped my legs around him and let out a little giggle, David gave me a little peck on the lips and smiled at me.

"I hope my Babygirl is hungry ?" He asked, walking back where he was cutting the vegetables and put me on the counter next to him.

"Very" I replied taking one piece of the red pepper he was cutting, " what are you making ?".

"Pasta," he said checking on the pasta.

"Umm, I love pasta, with what you're making it?" I asked while admiring how his muscles are flexing. Oh god, help me.

"Aa we call it Pasta a con pomodore e Basilico," he said with a deep smooth tone, this is the first time I'm hearing him saying something in Italian and I don't want him to speak English ever again, I'm pretty sure he said something related to vegetables but my mind is hearing 'I'm going to fu....' okay suheyla calm down.

"It's a simple, pepper, tomatoes, basilica, thyme recipe, I'm adding more things, my nonna used to make it for me when I was a child, back in Italy," he said with a smile on his face.

I can see that he's attached to his home and family especially his grandmother.

"When's the last time you were there ?" I asked just out of curiosity.

" just this last summer".

"Oh, that's cool, I wish I could visit Italy someday, such a beautiful country, umm especially the food".

David turned to look at me " you want to visit Italy?".

"Yes, one of my goals is to visit that country, when I'll have my own work and salary" I stated dreamily.

He let out a deep chuckle "I got you princess, no need to wait till then, this summer you're going to Italy" he looked at me smirking.

"No you're crazy, I wouldn't let you pay a whole trip for me," I said looking at him wide eyed.

He stopped putting the pasta on the plates and fixed his gaze on me, walking slowly towards me.

"Are you saying no to meeting the family of your boyfriend?" He raised an eyebrow and I shook my head no.

He stood between my legs and placed his hands on each of my sides trapping me, David leaned close to me, I wanted to lean back but the cabinet behind me stopped me from doing so, his lips inch away from mine, his manly cologne invading my nostrils, the heat radiating from his body making it hard for me to breath, his lips almost touched mine, "so it's settled then" he said pulling away from me.

I let out a breath I didn't know that was holding, he walked back and took the plates in his hands.

"C'mon princess get your cute little ass to the living room" he gave me a side glance and walked past me.

I followed him to the living room and took a seat next to him on the sofa, we started to dig in our plates, and the moans were leaving my mouth one after the other,' this man is surely the whole package' David gave me a side glance and smirked.

"I'm glad you like it," he said already putting his hands' empty plate aside.

God how he managed to eat this fast. Monster.

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