Chapter 14

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Note: The same Chapter nothing Changed, just a little paragraph was missing and i fixed it. Than you for reading. :)

I took a step back, trying to get away from him but the wall next to the window behind me stopped me, he took steady strides toward me, and start wiping the tears that now running down my cheeks.                                                                                                                                                                    " Pl-lease David, I didn't m-mean to make angry, i did nothing" i cried out                                                  " Shh Babygirl" he grabbed my chin and made me look at him "How you think should i feel when i got the call from Khaled telling me that my princess is having a boy over her house for dinner with her parents, and claiming that he's her boyfriend" his hold became tighter " I felt so angry"                                                                                                                                                                                        " J-just let me explain" i stuttered.                                                                                                                                He grasped my arm and turned me, so now my back is facing him, he took my hands and i wiggled trying to get out from his hold but he's much more stronger than me, he succeed on putting my two hands in handcuffs but i didn't stop wiggling and trying to get out from his hold but he moved closer to me, trapping me with his well built body, he placed his lips on my ear and pressed his hips forward making me feel his boner.                                                                                       " Umm Babygirl" he growled in my ear.                                                                                                                       My god, is it wrong that i feel so turned on now.                                                                                                      " You made Daddy so angry, and now you should take your punishment like a good little girl"          he held my arm in a tight grip and took me to the sofa, he sat and mademe lay on his lap, he hummed in satisfaction and start massaging my bum.                                                                                        " I'm not gonna take your pants off, cause i know it's your first time"                                                            " D-david"                                                                                                                                                                                  "So, Because it's your first time, i'll give you ten sparks and for each one you'll say sorry Daddy, Understood ?"                                                                                                                                                                         I just cried, not answering him.                                                                                                                                      He grabbedmy neck and made me look at him.                                                                                                      " I said understood?"                                                                                                                                                             I just nod my head at him, he spanked me very hard.                                                                                          " Use your words babygirl"                                                                                                                                                " Yes"                                                                                                                                                                                            He smacked my ass again " Yes what?"                                                                                                                        I let out a little whimper " yes daddy"                                                                                                                          " That's a good girl" he start rubbing my butt again, and i let out a moan that i didn't plan to let out.                                                                                                                                                                                               Fuck.                                                                                                                                                                                           " Oh, you like that baby" he growled in my ear, and i can feel his boner poking me in my stomach. damn.                                                                                                                                                                     By the the tenth spank, i'm crying and wiggling, he freed my hands and sat me on his lap making me facing him,  he began to wipe my tears " I didn't want to punish you princess, you made me, i was so mad" he let out a heavy sigh and brought me closer to him hugging me, i sobbed into his shirt " I-im sorry" i said between cries " i-i di-d.." he hugged me tighter " Shh princess not now, we'll talk about this later" he rubbed my back and somehow his hugs were reassuring, i felt safe in his embrace.                                                                                                                             " C'mon Babygirl let's get you to the shower" he lifted me and made his way upstairs, we entered a big bedroom with black and grey decoration, and the smell of his cologne envaded my nostrils, he put me in the bed " let me give you something to wear" he went to his wardrobe and came back with a black t-shirt, he put the shirt on the bed and  lifted me again and went to his bathroom he sat me near the sink and start preparing the hot water, he tested the heat of the water and then turned to me, he came closer and stood between my legs " Okay babygirl, have a shower and rest a little bit and then come down for dinner okay?"                                                                 I let out a small okay, he carressed my cheek and gave my forhead a soft kiss and went out of the door.                                                                                                                                                                                    I finished the most relaxing shower and dressed in david's shirt that fits me like a short dress and lay in the bed, i tried to get a good nap but i couldn't, i slept about 10 minutes, but my stomach woke me up, i'm so hungry, i made my way downstairs and i heard David is talking but i can hear that there's a second voice, there's someone else with him, i reached the corner next to the living room and i stood there for a while, oh, i recognized the second voice as Khaled i walked nearer and took a little peak to find david laying on the wall next to the window with a glass of whiskey in his hand and a cigarette in the other, and khaled sitting in the sofa with a glass of whiskey too in front of him on the table.                                                                                                                                              " Where is she" Khaled said in stern voice, David looked at him and heaved a sigh " Upstairs, she's resting"                                                                                                                                                                            " What did you do to her" i can feel that Khaled's tone is getting angrier.                                                    " None of your business" David said nonchantlly, taking a drag from his cigarette.                                " It seems that you're forgetting the rules" he looked at David " You know that if you break one rule, you won't like what will happen" he took a sip from his whiskey " Stick to your words like a man" Uuh.                                                                                                                                                                                David put out his cigarette and walked to the sofa opposite Khaled and sat, " Tell me, What did you do"                                                                                                                                                                                      Khaled looked at him with his piercing blue eyes " I did what should be done"                                          What the fuck they're talking about.                                                                                                                           Khaled reached for his glass again and i noticed his knuckles are all bloody and scratched.              MY GOD, I yelped and they both turned they're head at my direction.                                                          " Babygirl"  " Princess" they both said at the same time.                                                                                    They both stood up and David made his way toward me and took me by the hand, he lead to the sofa and made sit on his lap. " Are you okay Princess" Khaled said and i answered with a small "yes"                                                                                                                                                                                            " C'mon baby explain to us" David said with a soft tone.                                                                                         I cleared my throat and tried to avoid their gazes as much as possible " I-i when i went with you on a date, i came back tired and when i took off my dress and my heels i just put them in my room, i didn't return them to m-my wardrobe, a-an..nd.." i swallowed and David took my hand in his and Khaled followed his movement and i can see that he's boiling inside " a-nd when my mother came to my room she saw the clothes and make up and everything and she knew that i was in a date, and she asked me with who, but i can't tell her that i had a date with you, so i lied and i asked Jad to do this favor for me and act like my boyfriend for just o-one dinner"                                  I heard them both heaving a sigh and i just lay on david's chest and he hugged me tighter.                Khaled stood up and cleared his throat " I'll go now" he just looked at me with a look that i can not read, he walked to the front door and i got out of David's hold and i followed him to the door.                                                                                                                                                                                            " K-khaled Wait" he turned to me and i took some steps getting closer to him " What's wrong babygirl" i took his hands in mine and i carressed his knuckles " it hurts?" he let out a sigh " No baby" he took his hands away from mine and he put his arms around me.                                                " I'm sorry babygirl" he looked at me with much softer tone.                                                                                   " For what ?" I questioned.                                              " Nothing" he brought his hand to my face and start carressing my cheek with his thumb and he lifted my chin so i can look at him and he starred so deeply in my eyes, i just blinked at him and my heart is beating faster and faster, i licked my lips and his eyes followed my movement, he leaned into me slowly and when his lips touched mine, i felt a sensation i can not describe, the kiss was soft and full of affection, we were in the middle of the kiss when we heard a throat being cleared, we seperate from each other to find david standing there not looking at us.                             " Suheyla need to rest" he said in a rough tone and turned and walked away.                                                                                                      

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