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I heard the sound of the bell rings, Ooh thank god school is over.

I packed my bag and made my way out of school I was standing in the parking lot waiting for Rania, 10 minutes past and still no sign of Rania suddenly I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket I picked it up and it was Rania.

"Bitch, where are you?"

"Sorry suheyla I had to go, sorry I didn't let you know before" Rania's voice came as a whisper.

" Nah it's okay, so everything's okay?" I asked a little worried about her.

"Yea, everything is okay, I'm fine".

"Why did you leave school ear-".

She interrupted me.

"Look suheyla I have to go Now I'll talk to you later" Rania said rapidly.


And she hanged up.

"FUCK" what's wrong with her. I was angry at her I need to know what's happening, then I heard a deep voice behind me.

"Language young lady" the deep voice said.

I turned around to be greeted by the one and only Mr.Lombardi, God I don't want to deal with him now.

"Mr-r-r Lombardi, what are you doing here?" really suheyla 'what are you doing here' what kind of question is this.

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here? Why you're not on your way home?".

" I was waiting for my friend but she already left," I said looking everywhere but his eyes.

"Suheyla" omg why my first name, whyyy. "Look at me".

No way I was going to look at him after the class incident.

He took a step forward " I SAID LOOK AT ME" I immediately looked at him.

Our eyes locked and We stared at each other for a while, he leaned so his face was in level with mine and he started to come closer 'omg what is he doing' I closed my eyes and I felt his breath in my neck, he brushed his lips on my ear and whispered.

"Get. In. The. Car" he sent a shiver down my spine.

"N-no I c-can walk" I stuttered.

"I. SAID. GET. IN. THE. CAR! NOW" I jumped at his reaction and immediately made my way to his car.

I got on the passenger side and waited for him to come. Seconds later he opened the car door and slammed it making me jump in my place, I didn't say anything he started the engine and drove off the parking lot, I looked at him and he seemed angry, his jaw was clenched, his knuckles are white because he was holding the steering wheel tightly, and his gaze was focused on the road, OMG he's so HOT, seriously suheyla.

Then I remembered that I didn't tell him my address but he was driving like he knew where he's going.

Oh my God I'm going go get raped.

" U-Uhm...Mr-Lombardi W-where are we going?" I asked little shaky.

He ignored me.

" M-r-r Lombardi ?" He clenched his jaw tightly, he looks like he's going to explode anytime.
Still no answer. A few minutes past and I noticed that we are going opposite my way home.

"M-r-r Lombardi You're G-goin-".

" Home, my home".

What !!!.

"N-no Mr-r Lombardi I can't g-".

He shoots me a glare and I immediately shut up. We arrived at his place and it was nice, very calm neighborhood.

"Right this way" he placed his hand on my back and led the way.

He searched for the keys and opened the door.
"After you Miss" I stepped inside the house with shaky legs, I don't know why he brought me here, I'm going to shit my pants, omg is he going to rape me. I heard the door slammed behind me and I jumped, I can feel him right behind me so now I'm shaking uncontrollably then he whispered in my ear.

"We have a lot to talk about Miss" what is he talking about " follow me".

I did as he said and followed we entered a big beautiful kitchen.

" have a seat" he pointed to a stool.

"Okay" I sat on a stool and watched him searching in his kitchen cabinets, he pulled a bottle of whiskey and glass and he poured to himself some.

" Want something to drink ?".

I just keep looking at him not answering.

" Juice, Wine, Water ?" He asked me again rising his eyebrows at me.

" Water is fine, thank you".

He gave me a glass of water and I took a sip.

" Why are we here sir, what we need to talk about exactly?".

" It's David".

" Pardon?".

" Call me David".

" Okay DAVID, Why am I here".

He held his glass to his lips and took a sip and placed it down on the counter with a sigh and made his way toward me, I stiffened as he got closer with every step.

" Suheyla " Oh god this is not good, I felt a shiver down my spine.

" You should know something," he said with his deep husky voice, and I can feel my heart is about to explode inside my ribcage. He came closer and I start to lean back so I can make some space between us but I was stopped by the counter.

" A very important thing" Now he Was so close to me that I can feel his minty breath on my face.

"M-r Lombardi Uh Pl-l-ea-".

"Shhh suheyla" he took a deep breath "you just need to know that you'll be mine".

He starts leaning omg what is he doing his lips a few inches away from mine is he going to kiss me I froze.

Just when his lips are about to touch mine his phone rang. Uuf I think I'm going to pass out.
He closed his eyes and let a loud sigh and cursed beneath his breath.

He pulled out his phone and held it to his ear.
" WHAT!" he snapped at the person in the other line.

he took a glance at me and turned and made his way out of the kitchen.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding my heart is going to Explode.

What is happening, what is wrong with him.
I should get out of here ASAP but I don't know where am I, I should call a cab, I stand up and grabbed my bag, I was looking around me and walking out of the kitchen when I bumped into a hard wall. Oh, wait it's not a wall.

" Going somewhere, Princess?" I looked up to see David towering over me with a smirk on his face.

" I-i Was Uh J-j-" I stuttered not knowing what to say.

" Let's go, I'm going to drop you home, I have something to take care of," he said with his expressionless face.

" Okay," I said above a whisper and followed him out to the car.

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