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Previous Chapter:
The day you woke up and you said to them and the doctors that some guys beat you up, they didn't want to wake me because they said you were tired and you went to sleep very fast"
Jad's eyes darkened, I think he's not going to forgive me at all.

" Oh yes, I remembered haha it's okay" Jad laughed and said with his eyes darkened.

I was helping jad with his bags when my phone rang.

" Princess," Khaled said through the phone.

" Khaled" I replied quietly.

"Suheyla please don't go with him" he said heaving a sigh.

" Khaled please I already told the two of you that he's my friend he needs me by his side"


"I signed the papers baby, let's go" Jad called from the doorway. baby god.

" BABY? what the f.." Khaled said angrily " princess please .."

" Khaled stop, I already told you, that I'm not going to leave him alone, so please stop"

" Babygi.."

I hang up the phone and turned to Jad.

I flashed a little smile at him " I'm ready, let's go"
Jad notice that my mood has changed, he narrowed his eyes at me but I just walked past him making my way to the exit, we stood in the parking lot waiting for a cab, Jad stood next to me in complete silence, he didn't utter a word but I can feel his eyes are fixed on me, I brought my gaze up to him to find him looking down at me.

He scratched the back of his back " you look beautiful" he said avoiding to look at me in the eyes.

I let out a chuckle "awn look who's shy to tell me that I'm beautiful".

He shook his head and laughed.

"I can say that you don't look bad yourself" I winked at him " I have to admit, that cut below your eye made you look like a hot bad boy".
"Oh so you're telling me that I didn't look like a hot bad boy before" he placed his hand on his heart "ouch, it hurts to hear this"
I laughed and hit his arm playfully.

Time skips:

We spent the whole afternoon cuddled on the sofa, watching Netflix and eating snacks, but all this time I was battling with myself either should I ask Jad about the incident or not, but I suppose to know, I'm his best friend and I need to stick by his side in this kind of situations, so I gathered all the courage that I have and I broke the silence by clearing my throat.

"Jad," I said gently looking at him.
"Hmm," he hummed still his gaze focused on the tv.
I sat up "you didn't tell me anything about the incident ?"
He turned to me "what do you want me to tell you? "
I looked at him perplexed " umm like, how did it happen ? or did you see who did it? What did the police say?"
" I was attacked and outnumbered, the police said that they will do their best to find who did it," he said calmly.
For me I can't help but feel something is off because I know that Jad doesn't react this calm especially in situations like this, I just hope he's not involved in something bigger than him.
"And for you, you didn't see anything ?"

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