Chapter 5

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Suheyla's P.o.v:
I woke up the next day with a slight headache, today is Friday that means I should get up and get ready for school but that means I'm going to see him especially when I have a class with him so I'm going to pull up an act on my dad and mom just to let me stay at home today. I groaned and got up from the bed and went downstairs.

" Good morning" I said sleepily.

" Good morning Honey".

" Mom I think I'm going to stay at home today, I'm not feeling well".

" Are you okay Honey?".

" I just don't feel well, my head hurt".

" Honey come Get some breakfast And an aspirin and Go get dressed you have school to go to," mom said with a stern voice 'ughh'.

" Honey look at her she seems Tired, just take a day off babygirl you don't have to Go to school, go and rest," my dad said with a smile.

"But Hon-" mom was about to say when dad cut her.

" Just let her rest Today honey".

" Thank you, Dad," I said smiling at him And he gave me a wink and I ran upstairs.

Umm, what I'm going to do today!

" umm let's take a shower first" I took a very relaxing shower, just what I needed, A day without Lombardi...

I decided to go out and take a walk and go grab some breakfast and coffee from the Starbucks near us, I'm glad that this Starbucks is not as crowded as others which is unbelievable I know.
I finished my walk and made my way towards Starbucks.

I was sitting at a table at the corner when I felt a presence in front of me I looked up to be greeted by the person who I was not hoping to meet.

" Good Morning to you," he said with a smile " is this seat taken," he asked " can I?" Pointing the seat in front of me, before I could answer he sat down.


" U-uh Good Morning".

" So? Why you're not at school? It's Friday today?".

" Sorry, Mr.Hale but it's none of your concern," I said looking at him, his eyes darkened and he flexed his jaw.


" It's Khaled "I can feel the anger in his voice.

" Okay Khaled it's none of your business" I replied with sass.

" Ooh Babygirl you don't want to talk to me like that".

" Or else what?".

" You Don't want To know" he said mischievously.

I was about to answer him when I felt my phone buzzed.

I darted my eyes from him to the phone, a message but no name just a number, I don't know this number, I unlock it and I was about to read the message when khaled's voice stopped me.

" Who texted you?" He asked in an angry tone.

Sorry? What?

" Excuse me ?".

" I. SAID. WHO. IS. IT?".

" Haha Okay, Mr.hale" I laughed and stood up from my chair " Have a good day" and I made my way out.

What a creep.

I was walking back to my house when I remembered the message I hadn't read it yet, I pulled my phone out and unlock it.

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