Chapter 16

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" Oh" that was all that David said, I looked at him, he didn't seem concerned or surprised at all, I got out of bed, I got dressed and took my phone and quickly made my way downstairs, David followed me " Where are you going"

I turned to him " to the fucking hospital, where do you think I'm going" I said in such an angry tone.

" Wait I'll drive you there"

I didn't pay attention to what he said instead I just continued walking to the door, he grabbed me by my arm " I said wait I'll fucking drive you, don't test my fucking patience" he grabbed the keys and throw them at me " wait for me in the fucking car, I'll be down in 5"

I glared at him and made my way out to the car, I sat there texting Rania about the hospital's address and Jad's condition, she said he's really bad and when I asked her what happened to him she said she will tell me when I get there, what the fuck. I remained in the car for 5 minutes when David appears on the driveway freshly dresses in black dress pants and a white shirt, he looks good. he got in the driver seat " Which hospital" he asked while pulling off from the driver way, I didn't answer him I just showed him the address on the phone not even looking at him, he let out a sigh and start driving, we drove in silence till we arrived in the hospital, I got out of the car first and walked to the receptionist and gave her the name, she said that this name is in ICU, oh lord. I ran toward the direction that she showed me, to find Rania standing next to the window looking at Jad in life supports, I stopped in my track, the view in front of me made my tears start to fall, I ran toward Rania.

" Rania" I cried and hugged her " what happened to him"
"The doctor said that he lost a lot of blood, but he said he will be okay" she replied with a shaky voice.
I let go of Rania and walked to the window just staring at Jad in those life supports looking very weak.
"What happened to you" I whispered my tears started to fall again.

Khaled P.O.V:
My phone rang, I answered.
" Talk"
" Uhm sir, the girl is in the hospital" my driver Jake mumbled nervously.
" And ?"
" Uhm and David is with her Sir"
I hang up and slammed the phone against the wall, I paced in my office back and forth I can feel my blood boiling from the anger, what a stupid motherfucker he couldn't keep her away from her phone for just a couple of hours, I reached out to my phone luckily it's not completely damaged I searched for David in my contact and called him, after a couple of rings he answered.
"Yes"                                               " Tell me why the fuck Suheyla is in the hospital," I said through clenched teeth. " She's here to see her friend," he said calmly like nothing is happening.
I took a deep breath trying to control myself. " She has the right to see her friend, you don't think so ?" he's testing me.
" Listen to me and listen very well, don't act like you don't have a hand in this, maybe I was a direct reason why the boy is there but that doesn't mean that you are out of this, you know about the plan and you agreed to it the only reason you were not there because you were fucking drunk, you should know that I have no problem to blow this off but just know that if I'm going down you're going with me" I hang up and made my way out of the office.
Suheyla's P.O.V: We were sitting there for hours waiting for Jad to wake up but nothing, I was sitting with Rania in the waiting area and David went to the cafeteria to bring us something to eat, I was checking my phone when David came back with coffee and some donuts, he sat next to me and handed me the food, I passed it to Rania and continued checking my phone.
" Babygirl" David called softly putting his hand on my thigh " I don't want you to worry, your friend will be fine"
I was about to answer him when I saw a familiar figure walking towards us, I leaned to look passed David and it was Khaled, I stood up and ran to him, I hugged him and start crying.
" Shhh princess it's okay" he held me tighter in his arms " it's going to be okay"
" What happened," he asked.
" I don't know, the doctor said he lost a lot of blood," I said between sobs.
I let go of him and start walking back to my place and he followed, David stood up and walked to him they stood little far from us and start talking, I sat in my place and sigh.
"Suheyla, sorry I really need to go" Rania stood up and I did the same.
" Okay honey, thank you for being here," I said giving her a hug " Take care"
" Bye, I'll come back tomorrow"
" Bye"
Time skip:
I was starting to get tired it was 8:00 pm I was here from the morning and still no news, David and Khaled stayed with me, they seemed a little off they're not talking to each other at all and they talk to me just when they want to ask if I need something.
Khaled walks up to me and sat " Babygirl C'mon let's get you home, take a shower and eat and we will come back tomorrow" he said caressing my face.
" Yes princess he's right you should rest," David said and sat on the other side.
" No, I'm not gonna move from here until Jad wakes up"
"Okay princess so I'll stay with you," Khaled said making me look at him, he leaned and start kissing me in a very gentle way I kissed him back and I heard David stood up and walked to the window, I broke the kiss and followed David, I took his hand in mine.
" I want you to stay with me too" I looked up at him innocently.
" Of course baby, I will stay with you" he gave me a reassuring smile and a hug.
I went back where I was and lay down in the chairs, I felt tired and I have a huge headache, my eyes began to feel heavy and I drifted to sleep.
A little while later I heard some faint voices arguing near me but I couldn't hear what they're saying, I was really sleepy, I start to wake up so I could hear them a little clearer now.
" I swear I could fucking destroy you in one blink of an eye," the voice said angrily.
" Try"
" Don't think that she will never know"
What they're talking about, I came to know that the two voices are Khaled and David I opened my eyes but I didn't make a move, I want to know what they're talking about.
" Huh C'mon tell her why her friend is here and because of who"
After hearing this I immediately stood up from my spot and locked eyes with them.
" What are you going to tell me"
And their faces turned pale.

Hi, I'm really sorry for the late update this chapter has a second part that will be updated just couple of days later so stay tuned, thank you for reading 🙌 and as a result of this quarantine: some early updates from now on.

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