Chapter 24

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I woke up the next day alone in bed, I remember that David came back and hugged me and slept next to me but I think he woke up early, I got out of the bed and went to the bathroom, I took a long relaxing hot shower, I changed in one of David's shirts and made my way downstairs.

I heard a voice coming from the kitchen, I followed it, then I heard David speaking in a fast angry Italian, I think he's talking on the phone, but why he sounds so angry?.

I entered the kitchen, and he immediately locked eyes with me, by the look on his face, I can say yes he's definitely annoyed.

"Non chiamare se non c'e niente di importante, ciao" David said rapidly and hang up the phone.(don't call me if there's nothing important, bye".

"Baby," he said softly walking to me.

"Who were you talking to?" I asked curiously.

"Ah nothing, just work," he said taking me by the waist and bringing me closer to him "Is my baby hungry?".


"Work? I don't think there's anyone from school who can speak Italian" I furrowed my eyebrows at him suspiciously.

"Remember I told you sometimes I need to interfere in my dad's business," he said leading me to sit on one of the stools "they just need my help again".

Oh yes, I remember he said that, so I decided to let it go, but I didn't ask him, what his dad doing, because I remember he said he don't want to get involved in his dad's business.

"Okay," I said as David placed a plate full of pancakes and a glass of orange juice "But you didn't tell me what's your dad's business?".

He looked at me and turned his back on me facing the sink "Umm he's a businessman, he owns Hotels, casinos, resorts, and other things" he said busying himself with washing a couple of glasses.

"Oh, sounds not very bad," I said focusing on my plate.

I heard him mumble a yeah.

He turned and walked to me, he placed a soft kiss on my forehead, "Finish up and get dressed I'll give you a ride"

"Okay but I need you to drive me home first, I need to change," I said wiping my mouth and standing up.


David drove me home, luckily I didn't find anyone, I changed fast, did little makeup, fixed my hair and got out of the house, I walked where David parked and got in, David was texting on his phone, when he heard the door opened, he put his phone down and smiled at me.

"Ready," David said the smile not leaving his face.

"Yes," I smiled back.

David started the car, "Late on your first day, I think your boss won't be happy" he gave me a side glance.

"Don't worry, I'll find a way to cheer him up" I replied giving him a wink.

His smile was soon replaced by a mischievous grin.


David dropped me in front of Khaled's enterprises' building, and a rush of nervousness went through my body, I shook it off and walked inside, directly to the receptionist.

"Hello," I said to the woman behind the counter, the brunette lifted her head and a smile crossed her face.

"Oh miss Morris, Mr hale is expecting you, please take the elevator on your left, the 40th floor" she explained.

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