Chapter 15

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Khaled left and i made my way inside the house, i found David in the kitchen, i just stood there not saying a word he didn't noticed because his back was facing me, i cleared my throat so i can make my presence known, he turned to me.                                                                                                             " Suheyla" he said in a raspy tone. My god                                                                                                                 " Yes" i said in a tiny whisper.                                                                                                                                            He took some steps and stood in front of me, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he opened his eyes again and i met those deep bleu glassy orbs, he took my face in his hands and start carressing my cheeks with his thumbs.                                                                                                             " Do you like him"                                                                                                                                                                 Okay, i didn't expect that question.                                                                                                                               " Umm i-i..." i couldn't answer, do i like him ? idon't know! Of course i like him, if i didn't like him  i wouldn't let him kiss me and i think it's more than like, because the way i felt when he kissed me is undescribable.                                                                                                                                                                    " Answer me, Do you like him" he said starting to get irritated.                                                                         " Um yes, i guess y-yes i l-like him" i replied nervously.                                                                                      I looked at his eyes and all i can see is fury, he let go of my face and turned his back on me, i can see how his breath became ragged just by how his shoulders are going up and down.                         " Go upstairs" he said calmly but you can sense the anger in his voice.                                                        " David I ne-.."                                                                                                                                                                          " Go upstairs, NOW" he yelled and i made my way quickly out of the kitchen, i reached the stairs and i heard something crash. Fuck
I lay in the bed, I texted my mom that I'm gonna sleep at Rania's house today, and then I started thinking about this mess that I got myself into, I should stop this madness, the thing is I have a lot of questions but I'm afraid to ask, in fact I'm afraid to know the answers.
My phone beeped, i checked and it was a message from khaled.

" Babygirl, I can't wait for our date tomorrow, have a good night"

my god, what should i do. 

I stayed in bed for about 1Hour, just staying there looking at the ceiling blankly suddenly i heard something crashed again, and a shout after that, Shit was is he doing there. I think it's better if i got out of here, i put my clothes on and took my phone and manage my way dowmstairs, i did a little sneak in the kitchen to see if he stills there but he's not, i did the same for the living room but no nothing.  Where could he possibly be, Okay this is my chance to get out of here, i walked to the door on light steps trying not to make any noise, i was about to reach the door when a body pushed me very hard against the door.

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