Chapter 25

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Hello guys, I wanted to apologize for the late update, I'm in the hospital, I wanted to write a note for you guys but I decided against it because if you guys saw the notification that the story is updated and then you're going to find just a note, I can imagine the disappointment, well I just wanted to say to you guys that I'm deeply sorry and I'll try my best and that I'll never abandon this book.
Thank you guys for sticking with me.

"Yes, we have a surprise for you," he said smirking at me.

"Surprise? What is it ?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows at him in confusion.

"Well if I said it, it wouldn't be a surprise anymore, wouldn't it," he said grinning at me.

I didn't say anything, I just kept looking at him suspiciously.

"And baby, I'm sorry but I need to go and take care of something, so I'll take you home now, you can continue with your presentation at home" he flashed me a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"What's happening Khaled" I stood up from my place looking at him straight in the eyes.

"What do you mean," he said walking to his desk to shut down his laptop and not even looking at me.

"Who's this Moro guy ?"

"Just a friend" he replied coolly.

When I realized that I was not going to have an answer to my question, I decided to drop it.

"Okay, whatever" I said packing my things.

"Okay, let's go" he took his phone from on top of the desks and made his way towards the door, I followed behind him, we passed by Linda she gave Khaled a worried look and I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

We stood in front of the elevator's door waiting, Khaled tapping his foot impatiently, I took a glance at him, his jaw clenching and unclenching but he looked absent-minded.

what's wrong with him?


The drive with Khaled was so depressing, we came in complete silence, the only thing that you can hear is the low soft jazz tune playing and Khaled's fingers tapping against the steering wheel. I just wanted to open the door and get out while the car is moving.

I walked to my front door, thinking about everything that happened, this guy Moro, from where Khaled knows him, and he called him 'old friend', from where Khaled knows this type of people, and the phone call that I heard, he was talking to David, telling him 'yes that's a good plan', honestly, this is starting to scare me a bit, I need to know what's going on, and I will find out, I won't allow myself to stay in the dark.

I opened the door of my house and got in, the silence welcomed me, I closed the door and then I heard hushed voices coming from the kitchen, I walked slowly towards the kitchen.

I heard fast pacing around and then my mother's voice.

"No please," My mom said pleading.

I heard a loud sigh which belongs to my dad.

"Don't worry, we will see" Dad said.

I entered the kitchen, my mom's head snapped in my direction and my dad's too.

"Hi," I said lowly "what's going on?"

Mom smiled at me "Oh nothing honey, come baby lunch is ready" My mom shrugged off and walked to the oven.

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