Chapter 12

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My heart stopped, I can't breathe.
It seems like everything was happening in slow motion, I looked at the door waiting for my dad's shocked expression and disappointment but the door didn't open, it clicks again but again it didn't open.
Omg, the door is closed, the door is closed.
My lungs seemed to function now, Khaled was still near me, I looked up at him and he let out a deep chuckle.
How can he find this so amusing?
"Relax babygirl, I can't let us get caught, at least not now" He smirked " still have a lot of things to do ahead of us"
He turned and made his way towards his desk, I wipe my tears and hurried to my seat, Khaled sat in his chair and clicked on a button under his desk.
The door opened to relieve a very confusing Linda.
" Umm miss Morris your dad said that he's waiting for you in his car," she said and I can sense the suspension in her tone.
" Thank you, tell him please that I'm coming" I gave her a fake smile and she replied with a nod.
Once she closed the door Khalid stood up again and made his way toward me, he sat in the chair opposite me and let out a big sigh.
'' Babygirl I don't know what are you planning to do or what do you have in mind but I really advise you to not play with me'' I can see that his blue eyes became darker. I stood up from my seat, cleared my throat and looked at him '' Sorry Mr. Hale I should go, my dad is waiting for me'' I made my way to the door, I was about to grab the handle when his hand stopped me, he grabbed my forearm and turned me to him. '' You can do whatever you want, but you can't change the fact that you belong to me'' he tightened his hold on my arm '' You heard me babygirl, YOU'RE MINE'' he came closer to my ear and I can feel his hot breath fanning my ear '' don't you ever forget that'' I was in the car with my dad driving our way back home, he was talking about how much excited was he for me to gain experience in such a big company and how I am going to work beside one of the biggest CEO in the country, but all I can think about is how tonight is gonna turn out because it's impossible that Khaled now knows that Jad is coming to my house for dinner as a boyfriend and he won't do anything, the beeping of my phone interrupted me. I took my phone out to look at the notification and it was a message from Papi🔥 Papi 🔥; '' Princess tell me that what Khaled told me is not true'' Fucking Snitch it was just 2 minutes ago and he fucking told him everything, MY GOD what should I do with David too. Biiing, Another message. Papi 🔥; '' be ready in an hour, I'm coming to get you'' Is he insane, what does he think of himself, ordering me around, he thinks that he can do whatever he wants whenever he wants, I'll show him that he can't keep controlling me and I don't belong to anyone from them. Me; '' Sorry Mr.Lombardi but I can't, I really have an important matter to take care of tonight'' I turned off my phone and put it in my pocket, I'm tired of dealing with their shit, I can't take it anymore. Time Skips; I was applying a little of makeup because it was already 7 and Jad is gonna arrive soon for dinner. I remembered my phone, I didn't check it from the time that I turned it off. I went to look for it and I turned it on, a lot of notifications popped on. 14missed calls from David. 8missed calls from Khaled . 4 messages From  Papi🔥. Papi 🔥:

'' Babygirl don't you dare play with me ''

'' You really won't like the consequences of this behavior''

'' Fucking answer the phone''

'' Okay That's it, I'll see you soon princess ''

What the fuck, see you soon, what's that supposed to mean, I shrugged and lock my phone and made my way downstairs to see how's cooking dinner going, I entered the kitchen and found my mom already preparing the plates, she turned her head and spotted me at the entrance.

'' Honey come on, take the plates, your boyfriend will be here soon'' I just rolled my eyes on her.

'' C'mon mom chillax'' I laughed at her excitement.

I was about to take the plates when I heard the doorbell rang.

'' Honey C'mon it must be him, go open the door for him''

uggghh, I made my way to the door and opened it, to be greeted by Jad's smiling face.

'' Hello, Girlfriend'' said jad while wiggling his eyebrow at me.

'' Please Jad doesn't start, and don't ruin for me I'm begging you''

Jad laughed at my desperate self '' C'mon Suheyla, don't be afraid, just trust me'' he smiled at me '' plus, we already done this before, so there's no reason to be scared'' he winked at me

I just laughed and punched his shoulder '' C,mon My mom is waiting for you, she's so exited''

we entered the living room and found my dad watching some documentary, he saw us and stood up, jad went for a handshake and my dad did the same.

'' Good Evening Sir'' jad Said while shaking my dad's hand and smiling respectfully at him

'' Hi son, how are you''

'' I'm very well, thank you''

My mom entered the living room and made her way towards Jad, she engulfed him in a hug taking him by surprise. I laughed at his face.

'' Hi Jad, how are you hun'' mom was looking at him with a smiling face.

'' I'm Okay Mam'' Jad did the same to her '' and you ''

'' I am great '' she looked at us '' C,mon dinner is ready''

The dinner was going very well, my mom and dad seemed to be impressed by Jad's choice in studies and how is he doing well in sports too, because he is a sport addict, we were laughing at something Jad said to my mom when the doorbell rang I stood up and excused myself from the table to see who's at the door when I opened the door I was greeted by two handsome smiling men in suits. Okay, I'm freaking out now.

'' Hello babygirl'' '' Hi princess'' they said at the same time while smirking at me.

'' Seriously'' I said in a loud hush tone '' what are you two doing here, are you crazy''

they were about to say something when my dad's voice interrupted us

'' Oh Khaled you're here, Sorry we already begin, I totally forgot''

'' No no, it's okay'' Khaled dismissed my dad's apology with his hand '' we can always add some extra plates, I can smell the delicious food from here''

My dad laughed at Khaled's expression '' Yes, Of course, come in'' my dad looked at David and narrowed his eyebrows at him '' and what Mr.LOmbardi is doing here, how do you know my daughter's teacher"
I'm done, I'm so done

Khaled looked at David and then my dad and smiled '' Yes I will tell you everything when we will talk business''

my dad gestured for them to follow him again to the dining area and I just closed the door and lay my back on it, letting out a big sigh, hoping that this night will turn out good.

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