Chapter 30

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Enjoy 😉 anal and degradation haters, let people enjoy the show in peace.

He started to walk towards us, unbuttoning his shirt.

"Well, let's give our Babygirl what she wishes for"

David got rid of his shirt and pants and was standing towering over me with boxers on, I turned my head to look at Khaled to find him grinning down at me.

"B-but I'm too sensitive," I said unsure if I can handle it or not.

"This is not what you said when you were begging for us to fùck you," David said leaning closer to me.

Oh fùck, I looked between the two of them, I really want this but can I handle it, you know what, fùck it, you only live once.

I grabbed David by the neck pulling him to me and started to give him a passionate kiss.

"Looks like our princess made up her mind," Khaled said still standing between my legs.

David's hand went around me down to my buttocks he pulled me to him forcefully making me lay on top of him in a matter of a second, he started to grind his pelvis into me making me feel his very hard bulge.

David adjusted his position and Khaled did the same, I was laying on top of David and Khaled behind me.

I felt David's hand going slowly down to my sensitive pùssy.

When his fingers made contact with my clit, I jerked upwards letting out a loud moan.

A loud slap came down on my ass making me moan for a second time.

David started to circle my clit gently with tortuous moves.

"Oh David p-please"

"Tell daddy what you want baby"

"I need you"

I felt Khaled getting out of the bed, I looked back to see what is he doing, Khaled came back with a bottle of lube.

I raised an eyebrow at him and he just smirked at me taking the same position.

David started to circle my clit a little faster, I started to move my hips, riding his hands.

"Yes baby like that, ride my fingers," David said in a deep voice.

I was lost in the pleasure, Khaled's hands came down on my ass hard, making me moan louder, he squeezed my àss in his hands parting my cheeks revealing my hole.

I tensed at this and Khaled immediately removed his hands, he leaned closer to me "it's okay if you don't want"

No, no, don't stop, it's just because it's my first time.

"No, I'm okay"

David retreated his hand from my clit, I whimpered at the loss.

He started to remove his boxers, I swallowed hard when I took a look at his hard dìck hitting his stomach.

"Are you ready baby ?"

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