Chapter 8

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What !
What do they mean? You're ours !
" W-what do you m-mean ?" I feel sick and I can feel that my hand were trembling.
David came closer and place his hands of each side of the stool beside khaled's hands..
" Yes Princess, you heard me right" his eyes turning a darker shade of blue " you're lucky khaled was there and not me, you know what I would have done if I was there babygirl ?" He inche Closer to my face that I can smell his musky cologne, I looked up at his handsome face, the corner of his lips began to form a wicked grin " I would have spanked that cute little ass of yours"
I can feel like my heart is going to brust out of my ribcage, Khaled pressed his Solid, Strong body against my back he leans down and at the same time david brought his lips close to mine.
God is he going to kiss me ?
Khaled kisses my neck, rough stubble scratches my skin, I closed my eyes waiting to feel David's lips on mine. When I felt his lips brush to mine slightly,  he pulls away and khaled did the same.
I felt cold I missed the heat that was radiating from their body, David clears his throat and leans on the counter with his arms crossed. So now I'm facing them both.
" So now that you know what our intentions is , let's talk about this" he said pointing between us.
" Babygirl, now you should know that you are with us and that means NO BOYS, don't worry it will be like any other relationship"
I just stare at them blankly, is he insane, we can't do this.
" w-we ca-an't do This, Th-I-is is wrong So-o W-wrong" I said looking between them " What If someone saw us"
David made his way towards me and take my face in his hands stroking my cheeks with his thumb.
" Don't worry your little head about it babygirl" I looked up at his eyes and I interrupted him.
" B-but what if someone find out ? Y-you c-could Umm you could lose your job" I stuttered " A-and you?" I turned to khaled " you're my father's friend ? What if he find out ?"
David turns my head back to him and spoke.
" I own that school princess, no one can do shit about it" i looked at him wide eyed " as I said baby you don't worry your little head about it, we can take care of ourselves, we're grown men, you just give yourself to us and the rest leave it to us"
Oh god, what I got myself into, i mean honestly i want them but I'm hesitant, what should I do.
"Okay" I sighed and looked at them to see David with a smile on his face and khaled remained the same expression but his eyes softer, he's always calm and collected, like they say man with few words, he doesn't talk much.
"B-but how this is going to work, umm like... you know ... " I'm such a mess.
" You mean sex ?" David said with his famous smirk. I stare at him with wide eyes, and i can feel my face turned red he's so forward.
He chuckled at my reaction and stood straight with his hands in his pocket while looking deep into my eyes like he's reading my soul.
" Tell me princess are you a Virgin ?" He smirked
Shit, why is he doing this.
"I... uhh .... I" can i die now please.
I heard khaled let out a low deep chuckle and David followed him.
" It's okay babygirl, you can tell us even it is obvious but we would like to hear you say it" he grins at me with a raised eyebrows.
I'll punch him, I can see that he likes it when I'm embarrassed and looking like a mess.
I gather my courage and looked at him " Yes I am"
" Good " I can see that he's satisfied " so about this, we don't have a say in it, it's your choice, we don't mind sharing but if you're uncomfortable with it, you can choose who get to be your first, it's completely your choice and we'll respect it, no one will get mad" he said the last part through clenched teeth, and I knew that he will be mad if I chose khaled to be my first.
" Uh okay" I answered quietly and looked at khaled and he nod at me.
" Another thing, we would like to take you on a date" he said and I blushed god now I'm embarrassing myself, why I keep blushing.
" but since it is the first we'll go separated, I'll take out this weekend and you can talk to khaled about his date, so you can know more about us and the same for us" he explained and I just nod at him.
He looked at khaled and cock his head at him giving him a sign.
Khaled cleared his throat and made his way to me, he stood in front of me.
He held up my chin and make me look into his eyes and spoke.
" so you're okay with that?" He said with his deep voice. God his voice.
I nod my head at him and he pull his hand away murmuring a " Good "
I think they switched turns cause now I feel more intimidated by khaled than David because he didn't spoke or said anything and he was so calm about this.
" Okay babygirl, khaled will take you home now and I'll see you tomorrow at class"
He walked us to the door and opened it.
" Good night babygirl " he said in a soft tone taking my face in his hand and placing a kiss on the corner of my mouth.
I cleared my throat " I... Uh good night"
He chuckled and nod at khaled and we made our way to the car, I got in the passenger seat and he started the car.
The ride is awfully quiet so I decided to speak.
" Khaled" i said softly
" Umm" He lets out a small humm.
Why did I ask him he seems mad and ill just get him more angry.
" W-why are y-you mad ?" i asked cautiously.
He looked at me and soften his eyes
" I'm not mad"
" but something is wrong, you were being awfully quiet and calm and that's not you"
He turn off the car and turned to me
" I just ..... Umm" he scratches his stubble and sighs.
I can't tell that he's battling with himself. He cleared his throat and said.
" I just don't know, are you sure you want to do this ? We're not forcing you, you can change your mind now" he said softly looking at me in the eyes.
" is that what is about ?"
He brought his hand to my face and stroked my cheek.
" I just don't want you hurt, if you don't want this you can change your mind and I know David won't like it but I'll support your decision"
And this is khaled i know, I put my hand on his in my cheek.
" I want to do this" I reassured him giving him a smile.
" Are you sure ?"
" Yes I am"
" Okay "
I decided to tease him a bit.
" why would I miss the chance of being with my hot daddy neighbor" I said biting my lip softly.
He let out a low growl and bring his hand down my neck and squeeze a bit.
" Babygirl, get your cute little ass home before I fuck you in this car"
I let out a giggle.
He pulled me closer and kisses my forehead.
" Good night princess " he said softly.
" Good night" I smiled at him and got out of the car.

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