Chapter 2

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" Suheyla! Hii" Adam said surprised.

" I can see you already know each other" my dad said.

" Yeah, we met at the parking lot today when we were moving in," Adam said to my dad.

" hah I see".

I was standing there frozen in my place looking at his eyes while he's looking at me and smirking I wish I could slap him and erase that smirk off his face.

" babygirl, are you okay ?" my dad said waving at me waking me from my thoughts.

" Ooh yeah Dad, I met them today but I didn't meet this beautiful little princess," I said walking to the little girl. She's cute.

" Hii, I'm Angel," she said with a smile while she hugged my leg.

" hiii baby, I'm suheyla" I picked her up and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Well dinner is ready," mom said entering the living room.

The whole dinner is my dad and Khaled talking about their memories back in high school and how my dad was a troublemaker and Khaled is the one who was getting punished and me talking to Adam about college and universities and what we want to do in the future from time to time Adam could whisper in my ear or tell me funny stories about college and I laugh at while his dad is giving us death glares.

We finished dinner, me and Adam went to sit on the sofa and watch Netflix, while his little sister already asleep and my dad and Khaled are talking, and my mom is in the kitchen.

" Excuse me, I'll be back in a minute," I said to Adam, he nodded and tell me to take my time, he's handsome and kind.

I went to my room to check my phone, I replied to a few messages,when I was shutting the door I turned and bumped into a hard chest.

When I looked up I saw Khaled looking down at me with a devilish smirk, what's wrong with this man and smirking, he took a step further and now he was standing an inch in front of me I took a step back and he took a step further I took a step back and my back hit the door he put his arms in each of my sides now I was pinned between him and the door and he was very close so I can feel his minty breath in my face.

"I was sure I would see you soon" ugh his husky voice, "but not this soon" he whispered in my ear.

" P-please just let me Goo," I said in a shaky tone.

" Tsk Tsk Tsk ".

I can feel his nose in my neck, he's giving butterflies ugh please god help me, he took a deep breath in my neck and he gives me a pick in my neck making me jump in fear.

"You'll be mine babygirl" he growls in my ear and walks away.

I released a sign that I didn't know I was holding, omg what's wrong with him we could have been caught, I went to the kitchen to see my mom she was washing dishes.

"Need some help mom".

"No honey, Just go sit with the guests".

I made my way to the living to see Adam holding his sister in his arms and my dad standing with Khaled I think they're leavening.

"Call your mom babygirl, Khaled is leaving".

I called my mom and she came immediately.

" Oh you're leaving already, just stay a little".

"We should get going, angel is already in a deep sleep, thank you," Khaled said to mom with a smile.

" Okay man, take care and think of what I said to you," my dad said to Khaled giving him one of those manly hugs.

" Okay I will," Khaled said," Thinks for dinner Mrs.bel," Khaled said with a smile extending his hand to my mom.

" And nice To meet you suheyla, please if you want to come to our house to hang out with Adam or angel don't hesitate, I'm sure they will love it," he said smirking at the end of the sentence, I swear this smirk will be the death of me.

" Oh, Su-ure" I stuttered not meeting his gaze.

We said our goodbyes to Khaled And Adam, And I immediately went to my room.

" Ugh thank god this night is over," I said to myself.

And then I went to bed with the thought of Khaled in my head.

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