Chapter 22

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"Papi huh"

I started to take some steps back but I was stopped by his desk, the idea of being here in school in his class made me nervous I don't want to be seen by anyone, even if David said that he has the power here and no one can touch him but still I don't want to be that girl who messes around with a teacher. But you are.

David reached me and trapped me between the desk and his body, god whenever he does this, I feel like I'm going to pass out.

"Do you know what I do to little naughty girls?" he said huskily, his minty breath fanning my face.

I didn't say anything, I was so getting turned on by this.

"I punish them," he said licking his bottom lip.

My panties are so ruined.

He took me by the waist and turned me to face the desk, he stepped closer making me feel his very hard dick.

"Mm you can't imagine how much I want to bend you over this desk and punish you so hard" he groaned thrusting his hips more.

A moan left my mouth, I couldn't control myself anymore.

"Is my Babygirl wet for me?" He said giving me a gentle bite between my neck and shoulder. that was it.

"Yes daddy" I moaned trying to get more friction, he gripped my hips tightly keeping me in place.

"Mmm always wet for daddy huh ?" He whispered in my ear " you wanna me to touch you?".

I just moaned a little louder in response.

"You wanna cum here like the naughty girl you are huh?" He said lowly in his deep silky voice turning me on even more.

God, I just wanted him to touch me, I was so turned on.

"Yes, yes," I said breathlessly.

He hummed "you think you deserve it ?".


"Yes, what ?" He grunted slapping my ass.

"Yes daddy" I whined, I just want him to touch me, this is torture.

He gave my ass another harsh slap and stepped back from me, David walked to his desk and sat, and me, I was just standing there flustered, I was angry, turned on, bothered, humiliated.

David sat on his chair comfortably spreading his legs and staring at me up and down with a smirk on his face.

This motherfùcker, I wanna slap the shìt out of him.

"So Babygirl, what's your plans for today ?" He asked casually like nothing happened still with a smirk on his stupid face.

I didn't look at him, I was a little ashamed to do so, " I have a date with Khaled and I was invited to a party but I-...".

"No, no party" his expression changed.

"I w-.." I was going to say that I'm not planning to go but he cut me off again, which made me more angry and upset.

"No Suheyla, no party, I know what kind of party it's going to be" he stated not giving me a chance to talk.

I was going to say that I'm not planning to go to the party because I'm not a party person, but because he kept cutting me off, and the way he denied me not a while ago I was gonna do everything to get back at him.

"I wasn't asking permission, I was just telling you my plans, I'm going to the party," I said looking at him straight in the eyes challenging him.

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