Chapter 3

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I woke up the next feeling a little bit energetic, believe me, I'm not a morning person but I don't know what's wrong with me this morning.

I got out of the bed and walked to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and my hair I made my way to the closet and pulled a Nike t-shirt, jogging and pair of Nike shoes, I'll go for a run, I made my way downstairs and found my mom and dad in the kitchen.

"Good morning babygirl" my dad said in a cheerful voice.

"Good morning dad" I replied giving him a kiss on the cheek from behind.

" Going for a run?" he asked looking at my outfit.

"yes dad, I won't be long".

" Okay hun, breakfast will be ready, don't be late".

"Okay mom" I yelled before slamming the door shut and head to the big garden that rounds our residence,I put on my earphones and start running.

The run was good, now I was walking on my way back home and I could feel someone is staring at me.

I lifted my head and I saw A shirtless Khaled on the balcony with a cup of coffee and a cigarette.

Ugh, he's so hot why ?? Whyy ??.

He waved at me and of course, with his famous smirk on his face, I immediately shook my head and walked straight to my house. Why I'm feeling so nervous, he's not even near me and I'm nervous af, oh god help me.

I went straight to the bathroom and took a quick shower and put on a casual outfit and took my bag and went downstairs I was eating breakfast and thinking about Khaled when a knock on the door brought me from my thoughts.

"It must be Rania, I'm going now bye bye love yaa".

" bye honey have a good day".

I opened the door to see Rania with a smile on her face.

"Why are u so happy, while we have a math class in the first period" ugh I hate math.

" Come on suheyla, don't ruin my mood, such a bummer" Rania said rolling her eyes at me.

We made our way to school and I'm not really in the mood of studying now, I woke up in the morning feeling excited and energetic, and now look at me and all that because of that jerk Khaled.

I got an idea for skipping my first class, I'll stay in the bathroom till the second bell and I'll go to the class so the teacher can kick me because I'm late, so I did it and when the second bell rang I made my way to the class.

I knocked and opened the door and everybody is looking at me. ugh, I hate this feeling.

" Well well well miss, we are honored because you showed up," Mr.Lombardi said with a sarcastic tone.

I looked at him raising an eyebrow like you're very funny. I was looking at him like challenging him and I didn't respond.

" Wait for me outside Miss Morris," he said in a stern voice.

" Okay, don't be late," I said giving him a wink and shut the door behind me. How much I love making teachers angry.

After 10 min Mr.Lombardi came out.
" So Miss Care to explain why you're 15 min late".

"I didn't wake up in the time that's why I was late, and I didn't take the bus I forgot my wallet so I arrived late" omg suheyla terrible liar.

" Ooh really because I saw a girl in front of the school who looked just like you and she was on Time" he got me.

I was speechless.

He put his hands in his pockets and took a step closer. Omg wtf!.

"So suheyla can you tell me why you came late to my class," he said bringing his face down so he can meet my gaze.

" I--I--I Sir-- I di--" I stuttered not knowing what to say.

"Shhhh...Save it" he put his finger on my lips shushing me " you can tell me after class" now he's smirking at me " now get inside and take your seat".

I hurried inside straight to my table, the time was going slowly and I didn't feel comfortable at all I just want this class to finish and leave already. Finally, the bell rings and I immediately packed my bag ready to leave without Mr.Lombardi noticing. I was about to get out when I heard his deep voice calling me. Ugh, he caught me.

I turned and made my way to his office now the class is empty and it is just me and Mr.Lombardi. He got up and went to the door and locked it.omg, why he is locking the door.
He cleared his throat and I jumped.

" So Miss Morris take a seat," he said pointing to his chair. What's wrong with him. I sat in his chair and he came beside me and leaned on the desk shoving his hands in his pockets. I can't bear the tension.

" So Miss you have a really big problem with math".

" I know" I replied nonchalantly.

" haha Ooh I'm glad, and that problem needs a solution".

" I don't have one, I hate math," I said simply not wanting to talk about it, he cleared his throat and I knew something was coming and I won't like it.

" you will be doing extra hours with me Miss".

" wait !! What ".

" you heard me".

" No I don't want to ! " there is no way that I will be doing extra hours with this guy, I mean I can't be sitting in an empty room alone with I just can't.

" you don't have a choice Miss".

"Are you kidding I'm not doing any extra hours especially with you, First I hate math, and second I don't want to be doing extra hours with you" God what did I say 'especially with you' stupid suheyla?.

" Ooh really and why is that Miss, and especially with me," he said smirking at me and leaning forward so now my face is a few inches away from his.

I got up. What should I say now ugh I hate myself.

" I don't have to explain anything to you Mr" what's wrong with this freak now. " Bye Mr.Lombardi ".

I was just about to walk away when he took my wrist and pulled me back so I slammed hard against his chest, I looked up at him and he was looking at me with his eyes darkened. He leaned to my ear.

" you'll see, we are just getting started" he whispered in my ear and I shivered at his words. He freed me and made his way to his desk setting down and back to his work as nothing happens I heard the bell and I ran as fast as I can out of his class. What just happened? I mean Mr.Lombardi is a great teacher he could help me with my problem but I just can't, he's hot and I don't trust myself around hot men.
That was weird, First Khaled and now Mr.Lombardi.

Omg, what's happening!!

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