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"What are you going to tell me"
And their faces went pale.
I looked at them waiting for one of them to say something but nothing, no one uttered a word, I looked at Khaled and he looked at David.
" Yes David, tell her why her friend is here and because of who"
David gave Khaled a glance and turned to me, he took my hand in his " Babygirl, Jad woke up and he talked with the doctor and he told that some group of guys attacked him and he tried to defend himself but they outnumbered him but he's getting better, he went back to sleep again because he needs to rest"
The only thing that I heard from the things he said is Jad woke up and they didn't wake me up.
" Jad woke up ?" I said calmly looking between them, but you know the kind of calm before the storm.
They looked at each other and Khaled took a step back as if he knew that I'm going to explode.
" Jad WOKE UP, and you didn't think of WAKING ME" I shout and launched myself at David and because he was sitting on the verge of the chair, I made him lose his balance and drop to the floor and I'm on top of him hitting him in the chest and pulling on his hair.
"You motherfücker, you're telling me that my fücking best friend woke up and YOU DIDN'T THINK OF WAKING ME UP" I was shouting and pulling on his hair, I looked at Khaled he was dying from laughter.
"YOU" I looked at him with furious eyes, he tried to hide the fact that he was laughing but the smile was still obvious.
He holds up his hand and took a step back " I'm totally fine right here, thank you" he said still trying to hide that stupid smile on his face.
David finally got hold of my both hands " Babygirl calm down"
I start to trash in his hands again trying to fight him but Khaled made his way towards me and lift me off, David.
" C'mon princess that's enough"
"Let go of me"
" I SAID. THAT'S. ENOUGH" he said firmly making me sit on the chairs.
" We didn't wake you up because it was not necessary, the boy woke up to talk to the doctor and went back to sleep because he needs to rest so if we saw that it is right to wake you up we would have done that," he said firmly scolding me like a fücking child, I turned my face elsewhere not wanting to look at him.
"Look at me"
I didn't.
"Is that clear?"
I didn't look at him or answer him.
"I said look at me? Is that clear"
I turned to him " Yes"
"That's good, I'm going to let that scene that you made here pass," he said fixing his cuff links " but that is David's fault if I was him you will be bent over my knees right now"
Shit, I looked at David and he was looking at Khaled furiously like he's going to kill him.
Khaled was good, he was playing his cards good, really good, but the question that's running in my mind why David stayed silent.
After a while, I remember that I didn't talk to my parents the whole day, so I decided to call my mom and tell her about what's happening to Jad and that I'm going to stay in the hospital tonight.
" Young lady, I want an explanation now, where the hell are you"
"Hi to you too mom," I said tiredly
"Where are you it's 12:00 am"
"Mom I'm in the hospital I..."
" WHAT? ARE..."
"Mom for god sakes just let me finish" my god " Jad was attacked by a group of guys and I got the call from Rania that he's in the hospital"
" Lord! Is he okay, we're coming now"
What no way.
" Mom-mom no you don't have to he's okay, he already woke up, he talked to the doctors and he went back to sleep because he needs to rest" I tried to convince her that there's no need to come.
"Anyways I'm going to sleep at Rania's tonight, so tomorrow morning we're going to be here when Jad wakes up"
" Okay honey, take care of yourself and call us if you need anything"
"Okay mom, good night"
"Good night Honey, see you tomorrow"
I hung up and turned to see Khaled standing in front me looking down at me.
"C'mon I'm going to take you home with me"
David heard what Khaled said and stood up immediately.
" the fück you are," he said walking to him and I jumped between them.
"Yes she' a going with tonight," Khaled said calmly
" She's NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITH YOU" David replies aggressively.
"SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU" I shouted tired of this childish shìt that always happen between them.
"Let her choose with who she wants to stay tonight," Khaled said still calm as always.
They both turned to me waiting for me to make a decision but I really was too tired to think so hard of anything I looked at David and he was looking at me intensely with those piercing eyes and that was not it, there was something in his eyes, he was looking at me in a way that's saying don't you dare, as for me I just felt the need to disobey him, I don't know why but from the beginning of this day I just don't feel good about him being here.
I turned to Khaled " C'mon take me home" and then I turned to David, his eyes were closed and he was trying so hard to restrain himself.
Khaled went to the chairs to get my things, he came back and took my hand in his.
" Take care Budd," he said sarcastically, but David was just looking at me silently, not saying a word.
We start walking toward the exit and in the last second I turned to see David but he was not there like he vanished in a matter of a second.
We reached the car, Khaled opened the door for me, I murmured a small thank you, he got on the driver seat and we were in our way to his house.
"Wait, what your son and daughter gonna think when they're going to see me" my god how can I forget about that, what they're going to think if they saw me entering the house with their father at 12:00 am.
"Relax, they're at their mother's" he took my hand and give it a light squeeze " no one is going to be there" he gave me smile
but suddenly I'm just ten times more than nervous, my god I'm going to be with Khaled at his house alone, just the two of us. Lord help me.
The rest of the drive was silent until my phone beeped, a message from Papi 🔥 I opened the message
" why would you do that"
I felt so guilty after what I did, it was not cool, the way I treated him, I shouldn't have done that, I could have just talked to him and not leave him like that.
"Who's that," Khaled asked curiously interrupting my thought.
"No one, just Rania asking how I'm feeling" I lied.

We reached the house.
"Okay princess we're here"
I made my way out of the car and start walking towards the house, Khaled came behind and lift me off my feet.
"Khaled put me down," I said trying not to be so loud because apparently everyone in the neighborhood is sleeping now.
"My princess had a long day, I don't want you to stress yourself anymore," he said smugly and I just rolled my eyes on him.
"Uh oh you wanna be punished or what?"
We made our way inside the house, he put me down on my feet and pointed to a room on the left.
"That's my bedroom, go take a shower and you will see my wardrobe take anything that you'll feel comfortable in" he gave my head a kiss " I'll be in the kitchen preparing something for you, we can't let you sleep on an empty stomach" he winked at me and went to the kitchen.
I walked to where he pointed, I entered the room and his strong cologne hit my nostrils, I put my things and the bed and quickly went to the shower because I really was in need of one.
The shower was so relaxing but my stomach was roaring from hunger, I took a plain black shirt that fits me like a mini dress of course, and went downstairs.
I found Khaled sitting in the living room watching TV, he noticed my presence and stood up.
" Come here Babygirl, I made you a sandwich"
We sat there for a while, he was watching some documentary while I was eating.
"Wanna drink something" he stood up and walked to a small showcase, grabbed a whiskey bottle, and poured for himself a little.
"Do you have some red wine" I just felt like having a drink that night, it was really a long day and one glass one do a harm.

I was in my third glass when I start feeling a little tipsy, I looked at Khaled and start admiring his features, he was really was a handsome man, his eyes were something, he looked at me and smirked.
"If you keep staring at me like that Babygirl, I won't be responsible for what will happen next"
" And what if I don't want you to be responsible," I said biting my lip and moving forward to him.
"Princess don't play with me"
I smiled at him and moved to sit on his lap.
"But daddy what if I wanna play"
Now I was sitting on top of him and I can feel his growing bulge underneath me and my panties are soaking wet by now.
He cleared his throat and tried to compose himself "C'mon let's get you to bed, you're drunk"
Before he can do anything, I grabbed his head and crashed my lips to his, he hesitated for a moment and then he grabbed by my waist the start kissing me back, the kiss was so heated and I felt so turned on, I start unbuttoning his shirt and he put his hand under my shirt grabbing my ass and squeezing it, he stood up and walked us to his bedroom without interrupting the kiss, he threw me on the bed and looked down at me, he took his shirt off and came on top of me, he crashed his lips on mine again and started kissing me down to my jawline and collarbone.
"Khaled" I whispered breathlessly.
"Yes Babygirl"

" I want you to fuck me"

                *What do you think will happen*

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