Chapter 11

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That's what I'm feeling right one, the feeling of his lips against mine made me feel dizzy.

He whispered against them " I want to devour you".

I whimpered at his tone and he smashed his lips against mine again,I had to hold onto his arms to keep myself upright, he pulled me against him if that was even possible, he licked my lower lip multiple time asking for entrance but I didn't open for him. this is my first kiss what if I'm a terrible kisser. he gave my waist a hard squeeze and let out a little whimper, he took this opportunity to slide his tongue in my mouth, as soon as our tongues slid into each other he groaned deep in his throat.

Oh God, he tastes so good.

Honestly, it didn't matter if I was a good kisser or not because he was controlling everything, and God he was good at it.

He pulled away slightly and I was breathing heavily, he chuckled and took my bottom lip between his teeth.


"You're mine princess, you belong to me, all of you belong to me, in the end, I'll win" he put his forehead against mine and whispered " because I never lose".

He turned and head to his car and drove away, leaving me standing there shocked and out of breath.

I made my way to my house and opened the front door, still, nobody's here, all I need now is a good shower and a lot of sleep.

The moment I put my head on the pillow my phone rang.

Rania: biiitch you have a lot to tell me tomorrow. Goodnight xx.

I let out a small chuckle cause I know Rania can't wait till tomorrow.

Me: haha ofc, be here at 5:00 I'm not in the mood to go out tomorrow.

Rania: Okay.

I put my phone on the nightstand ready to let the sleep consume me when I heard my phone vibrate again.

Ugh, Rania.

I reached for my phone but it's not Rania, a message from a number.

At first, I didn't know the number but when I read the previous message I knew it was him.

+*******: don't expect the next date to end up at night, I usually end my dates in the mornings. Goodnight Princess.

He's going to be the death of me.

I noticed that I have him under no name hmmm what should it be.

Hmmm. I think I know what should be.

How about Papi 🔥.

I smiled to myself dumbly while writing the nickname I gave him. it suits him.

I woke up the next day feeling a little disoriented, I made my way downstairs and found like usual my mom making breakfast and dad reading his newspaper.

" Good morning"

" Good morning princess," mom and dad said in unison.

Mom turned and placed our plates in front of us, we were eating our breakfast silently when my mom decided to break the silence.


" yees ?"

" Yesterday I came to your room to see if you're still up and I noticed your dress and heels on the floor" she raised an eyebrow at me.

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