Chapter 6

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I looked up to see Khaled staring at me and then at our hands, I pulled my hand away and cleared my throat.

" U-uh Mr.hale W-hat are you doing here?".

He raises an eyebrow at me and gave David evil eyes, I can sense that something bad is going to happen.

" Who is he?" Khaled asked flexing his jaw not looking at me, he kept eye contact with David.

David suddenly got up, clenching his fists " And Who are you?" They kept getting closer to each other I stood between them putting my hand on their chests pushing them lightly.

" U-h Okay Guys" I looked at David " David this is Khaled" " and Khaled this is David".

" I can't say it is nice to meet you," David said rudely.

" Same Here".

I just kept watching them, without warning Khaled gripped my wrist and pulled me to him and David did the same to Khaled gripping his elbow.

"Take your hands off me," Khaled said in a tone full of venom.

"Take your hands off her" David said calmly.

"Guys s-stop" I tried to free my hand from Khaled's grasp but he won't budge I tried again and managed to do it.

"I'm out" I made my way towards the door and got out, I pulled my phone to call Jad so he can come and pick me up, I dialed Jad's Number after a few rings he picked up.


I was about to answer when a hand snatched my phone from my ear.

"Hello? Bae? Suheyla ?"

I can hear Jad talking in the other line.

" Can I know who are you?" David said to Jad on the phone.

" OmG? Who are you! Did you kidnapped suheyla! Please let her go" I can hear Jad being dramatic as always.

I snatched the phone from David glaring at him.

" Jad baby I'm fine".

" suheyla! Who's that?"

" I'll explain later" I replied glaring at the two men standing in front of me, watching me. "Jad can you please come and pick me up".

" NO !!" Khaled and David yelled in unison.

Ooh, jealousy. So I decided to tease them.

" Can you? Jad bae" I whined giving them a wink.

So now Khaled snatched the phone from me and ended the call.

They took a step closer to me towering over me. Now I'm scared shitless.

" Babygirl how many times do I have to warn you," David said taking steps closer to me.

I didn't say anything, I looked at Khaled and he was smirking at me folding his arms against his chest. What is happening?

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