Chapter 26

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A trip!

"A trip ?" I looked between them a little confused, kinda not believing what I'm hearing.

"Yes, baby, a trip, just the three of us" Khaled confirmed.

"Why? When ?" My eyes darting between them, trying to search for answers in their eyes, but both of them were fixing me with their intense gaze.

"Why, I mean, when did you decide such a thing suddenly? Do you know how much convincing will take for my parents to accept?" I tried to explain.

"You can just say that you're having a sleepover with your friend" David suggested "it's just a weekend"

It's not that I don't want to go, it's just so sudden,  they could've just told me a little before so I will find the time to break it to my parents because it's going to take a lot of time, as for the fact of going with them to a trip, I would be more than happy to have them both for an entire weekend, they're right, we need to spend more time together.

"Okay I will try, yea I think if I said I'm going to spend the weekend with my friend, I don't think they will mind" I admitted and relaxed in my chair a little.

Their tense body seemed to relax on my statement.

"But don't get your hopes up, it's more possible that they will refuse more than just accept".

Khaled leaned on the table squeezing my hand "Don't worry I'm pretty sure that they will accept" he said smiling at me.

"But wait you didn't tell me" I looked at them with excitement " you didn't tell me where are we going" I couldn't help the smile that crossed my face.

They both smirked at me "Well, about that, you have two options" David said "I have a house at the beach and Khaled has a lake house" he leaned back on his chair.

"So I get to choose ?" My smile widened at them.

"Yes baby, so which one will it be ?" Khaled asked, they both gave me their full attention waiting to hear my decision.

God which one should I choose, both of them are great, should I go to the beach house, I like the beach, I like swimming, but I think I'll go with the lake house, I like that cozy vibe that the lake houses have, and I get to swim too if I want and I think it will be more private because it's going to be near the woods, I hope David won't be mad because I didn't choose his house.

"Okay" I clapped my head together "I'll go with the lake house," I said looking at them.

They both smiled at me, Khaled gave me a wink "Good choice".


After yeaterday's dinner with Khaled and David I kept thinking of how should I tell mom and dad about the trip, I think there's no way to say it other than just say it, I will tell them today over dinner, you know just casually ask them to go on a trip with my friend, what possibly can go wrong.

I looked at the clock on my phone, it read 4:00 pm, I huffed and turned in my bed, what am I supposed to do from now till dinner.

I decided to call Rania so we can hang out a little, anyways I need to tell her about my plans.

After a long wait, Rania decided to answer the phone.

"What's up" Rania's breathy voice came through the phone.

"Bitch took you long enough to answer the phone"

"I'm kinda busy"

"Umm! what are you hiding?"

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