Chapter 7

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I froze. What is he doing here ?
I watched him as he took steady steps towards us his gaze focused on Jad.
" Get in the car " he said through clenched teeth his gaze never leaving jad's.
Then jad decided to disrupt.
"Excuse me, who are you ?"
" Believe me you don't want to know"
If looks can kill Jad would be dead now, then he turned to me " suheyla don't make me repeat myself again"
He reached for my hand and I took a step back.
" I'm not going anywhere with you"
"Princess, David is waiting for us so we can pay him a little visit" he continued with a small smirk forming " so you don't want me to call him so he can come and help me, don't you ?"
I just keep looking at him in daze.
" So shall we ?"
He can't keep controlling me and stalking me everywhere I go, this is insane thus I decided to stand for myself this time.
"Khaled I'm not going anywhere with you or David, so now you can go and tell your new budd to fück off and leave me the hell alone" I turned to Jad and found him watching us like he's watching a tennis game. "Jad, let's go"
I was about to grab Jad's arm and drag him with me when he stopped me and turn to khaled.
" Wait you're khaled ?" " Oh sir i heard a lot about you"
Jad what the fuck.
" All good things I hope"
" Oh believe me, all great things" Jad said shooting me a wink
" Okay that's it, I'm going " i was about to walk away when khaled grabs my forearm.
" Okay babygirl time to go" khaled
said dragging me towards his car, he opened the car door for me I shot him a glare and got in, he made his way to the driver seat and start pulling off.
" HAVE FUN" Jad yelled from the sidewalk waving at us. I rolled my eyes at him and scoffed.
"Who's he ?" Khaled asked with a hard tone.
I stayed silent, ignoring him
" I asked you a question, who's he ?"
" None of your business "
"Suheyla" khaled warned through clenched teeth.
"He's my ex-boyfriend Okay !"
In that I didn't lie, back when Jad was in our school we kinda had a thing for each other, and we decided to give it a try, we dated for like 2 weeks or something but it didn't work, so we stayed friends and moved on.
" Oh so now you're telling me that the boy you were being cozy with is your ex?"
" Yes, I can't see where's your problem?" I replied sassily.
"You'll see babygirl, you'll see"
The rest of the ride was quiet, until I noticed that we were in front of David's house and the nervousness began to kick in.
" Alright Princess, we're here"
I just stayed silent.
" C'mon, we don't want to keep David waiting, do we?" He said cocking an eyebrow at me, he's always using the David card on me, he knows he intimidate me as hell, I got out of the car and made my way to the front porch and khaled following behind me, I stand before the door not moving a muscle, khaled knock and the door immediately flew open and an angry David appears.
" Well Hello " David said eyeing me up and down " took you some time huh?"
I just stayed silent staring at him blankly.
"Well, babygirl here was giving me trouble" khaled said behind me and I can sense the smirk in his tone.
Snitch motherfucker
"Oh really" David said raising an eyebrow at me " So shall we fix that attitude of yours ? Cmon princess come in"
I scoffed and made my way inside the house shooting daggers at him. I went directly to the kitchen because it's the only place that I know from the last time being here, and sits on one of the stools.
" I can see that you are acquainted with the house?" Khaled said entering the kitchen and david following behind.
" Yeah, someone had forced me and brought me here against my will"
David just looked me with his famous smirk on his beautiful face.
" Khaled is scotch okay ?" David asked khaled while holding obviously one of his expensive bottle of scotch. Khaled just nodded at him, he pours the scotch in two glasses and hand one to khaled.
"What about you babygirl ?"
I looked at him not saying anything.
"Apple juice maybe?"
Really ! Apple juice, I'm not five
" Water is fine "
He let a deep light chuckle that caused my stomach to turn upside down, he pours me a glass of water and handed it to me.
I let a small "thank you".
The kitchen goes quiet and the tension is unbearable, I took a sip from my glass and licked my lips ugh I needed water actually.
I looked up at the two men in front of me to find them staring at me intensively their focus on my lips, I decided to tease them a little bit and I licked my lips again running my tongue slowly over my upper lip while trying so hard to hold my laughter.
David let out a low groan giving me a warning look, I looked at khaled and he swallowed the lamp in his throat making his Adam's apple bob then he clears his throat.
I decided to speak first.
"So why am I here ?" I asked raising my eyebrow at them.
David took a small sip of scotch, putting down the glass and making his way towards me,he held the sides of the stole turning me to him.
" You can take a guess"
Really, the stress is killing me here and he find this amusing.
I remained silent looking at his piercing blue eyes. I turned to khaled and found him leaning on the counter watching us.
David cleared his throat letting my gaze to turn to him.
" Babygirl you should know something"
I stayed silent
" Me and Khaled Talked, it's not important to you to know about the details but you should know about the rules and some other things, we'll go over them later"
I kept looking at him, and I began to hear foot steps making their way towards me, khaled stood close after me and grabbed the stole from behind
I flinched a little and my breath become heavy cause now I'm sandwiched between them.
" But one thing you should know for sure" khaled said and I can feel his breath against my ear.
" That you're ours" they said at the same time.

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