Chapter 10

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" Well hello Princess"

He was standing there looking handsome as always I can feel my knees trembling he took steady strides towards me.

" hi," I muttered a little hi hanging my head lowly.

He stood very close in front of me and again his intoxicating cologne nearly made me faint.

" Do you like playing games princess?" he said huskily.

I cleared my throat nervously, shifting from feet to feet.

" I...I " nothing came out.

He sneaked his hand around my waist bringing me closer and I put my hands on his chest, feeling his breath against my ear.

He growled, " You have no idea how much I want to bend you over my knees now".

Okay if he wasn't supporting me with his arms now I'll be on my knees cause I can't feel my legs.

" But we have a date to go to right ?"

He pulled away and I instantly missed his warmth.

" let's go babygirl" he gave me his hand and I took it leading me to his car.

He opened the door for me and I got in, he got into the driver seat and started the car.

" How's your day princess?"

I looked over at him, and I have to admit that he looked very handsome.

" Umm, It was fine".

" just fine ?" He glimpsed at me " what did you do today".

" hang out with my friends" I answered.

I saw his jaw tightened " what friends ?"

" Umm Rania And Jad"

" What did I say about that boy ?"

" What did you say about that boy," I said in a mocking tone.

"Suheyla" He warned, " don't play with me".

" I just can't stop seeing my friend just because you said so" I glared at him "he's my friend".

" we'll see about that princess".

What's that supposed to mean.

I noticed that he was pulling off in front of a fancy restaurant.

" We're here" he stated getting out of the car, he opened the door for me and offered me his hand, I placed my skinny ones in his huge palms. Amazing, it looked beautiful David must have seen my expression because he let out a deep chuckle, We made our way to the entrance.

" Mr. Lombardi" the doorman bowed at him and David gave him a firm nod.

We walked past the doors, the lady at the front saw us and her face immediately lit up and she gave David a flirtatious smile biting her red lips.

" David, glad to see you again" she purred at him biting her red lips.

Again umm.

" It's Mr.Lombardi to you," He said with a stern voice, her face dropped right away and her eyes widened.


" Reservation for Lombardi," he said glaring at her.

The woman hung her head low, her face red from embarrassment, I felt sorry for her really, he didn't have to be so harsh at her, she took two menus from her podium and led us to a table outside on the terrace, the view was amazing.

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