Chapter 28

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I took my bag from the floor and marched towards them, Khaled was first to notice me a smile crept on his face and he made his way to me.

"How's my baby?" He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me for a kiss.

I pulled back "I'm doing good"

"Let me take this" he took the bag from my hands and placed it in the trunk.

David turned to me "you ready?"

"Shotgun!" I said and ran to the passenger seat.

Both men chuckled.

"Lu- David you can drive, I have to get some work done," Khaled said.

"Yes, no problem" David replied while getting in the driver's seat, Khaled sat in the back with a laptop in his lap.

"Are you planning to spend the whole weekend like this?" I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"Of course not, that's why I want to finish everything before arriving at the lake house," he said "Don't worry baby, in the lake house I'm all yours" he smiled and winked at me.

I laughed and shook my head at him.

"How long is the ride?" I asked already bored and we are just a few blocks away from David's house.

"Um, two hours, two hours and a half" David replied.

I huffed and took my phone out and started to scroll in my Pinterest, forty minutes later I put my phone down and turned to watch the road, we're now outside the city already and the green is surrounding us.

I turned to David "can you please turn the Bluetooth on, I want to put on some music"

"yes, baby" David answered pushing the Bluetooth button.

I connected my phone with it and started to scroll in my playlists, old jazz music dominated my playlist but not now, I already feel sleepy, I need something upbeat.

My eyes caught the title of the song and I smirked, I started to stifle a laugh, I clicked and turned the volume up. I love this song.

the beat boomed in the car.

(There's some whores in this house)
(There's some whores in this house)

I started to sing with the song and David turned and scrunched his eyebrows at me.

"What is he saying?" David asked confused " whores in this house?"

I laughed at his expression and didn't answer him I just kept rapping with the song.

I said, certified freak
Seven days a week
Wet-ass pussy
Make that pull-out game weak, woo.

Khaled laughed loudly from the back seat I turned to look at him to find him moving his head with the beat, vibing with it.

"I like it," Khaled said.

I looked at David to find him focused on the lyrics with a laugh tugged on his lips.

Tie me up like I'm surprised
Let's role play, I'll wear a disguise
I want you to park that big Mack truck
Right in this little garage.

It was David's turn to laugh now and Khaled followed after him.

"Interesting lyrics," David said amusingly " I like it"

We listened to the rest of the song with David still giving his full attention to the lyrics and Khaled vibing with it.

I was about to click on another Cardi b song but David's phone starts ringing.

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