Chapter 1

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Suheyla's P.O.V:

It was Sunday afternoon and the boredom was beyond imagination, I was laying in bed looking at the ceiling deep in thoughts suddenly my phone rang, I looked at the caller ID and it's my friend Rania I picked it up.

"Wassup," I said in an excited tone hopefully she can save me from this misery.

"What are you up to?".

"Boredom is killing me what about you ?".

"Ugh me too! Let's go for a walk ?" She suggested.

"Sounds good ".

"Okay, see you in 2 min".

"Okay, see yaa".

I hung up the phone and walked to my closet, it's Sunday so let's go with a Sunday outfit, I got dressed in a high waist black ripped skinny jeans and a white tank top and a maroon converse, I brushed my teeth and my hair and I went downstairs.

"Mom, I'm going out," I said to my mom while she's watching her favorite show in the living room.

" Okay honey ".

I opened the door and I found Rania is about to knock, we live in a residence where there is a lot of buildings, in our residence we nearly have 20 immeubles which Immeuble has 8 Appartement.

" Always in time," she said in a proud tone.

"C'mon, don't start, let's go" I huffed and dragged her out of the building.

" So, to where? " she asked.

"Let's go get some ice cream" I suggest.

"Ooh, Okay, let's go," she said excitedly.

On our way out of the residence, we passed by the parking cause the exit door is at the parking spot, My phone buzzed I looked at the message it's from my dad.

From dad:
Hey, babygirl, tell your mom to make dinner and be ready at 8 we have some special guest tonight, it's my old friend and his family. Bye.
Love you.

I was reading the message and thinking about what guest my dad was talking about,when I felt Rania poking my arm to get my attention.

"Who's that hottie," she said with wide eyes she was drooling over the boy.

I looked at the boy, he was standing next to a truck full of furniture, I think they're going to move in here, the boy was tall and muscular he has a black hair, such beautiful brown eyes, and a sharp jaw but what caught my attention is the man walking over the boy he was talking to him, I think he's his dad, the man was tall but when I say tall I mean very tall I guess he would be 1m98 he has dark brown hair a very well built body he was wearing a dark blue shirt and black jeans he's handsome, I didn't feel that I was checking him when I looked at his eyes and he was looking at me, he gave me a smirk and I turned my head immediately, we were walking past them when the boy came to us.

" Hii," he said with a smile.

" hiii," I said smiling at him " Ooh H..Hii, " Rania said stuttering.

" I'm Adam, we're moving in here," He said with a smile.

This boy is smiling a lot but I can see why he has a charming smile with his pearly white teeth and those pink thin lips, We are talking to Adam but I can feel eyes staring at me which I am uncomfortable with I turned my head to see the man is staring at me up and down from head to toe with a smirk.

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