Chapter 9

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I woke up the next day feeling anxious because today is Saturday and that means it is the day that I'm going on a date with my hot math teacher Mr.Lombardi.

I had my usual shower, got dressed, and went downstairs.

"Good morning dad" I gave him a kiss on the cheek while he's reading his newspaper.

I went to my mom and hugged her from behind " Good morning mom".

" Good morning honey".

I sat down at the table and mom placed a plate with slices of bacon and omelet in it.

We were eating in silence when my dad clears his throat, set his glasses on the table, and looked at me.

" Honey I want to talk to you about something"
Bad news.

" Y-yea Sure ?"

" So, seeing that this is your last year in high school, I want you to gain some experience in the work field" he stated sternly.

" Remember Mr.hale, my old friend," he asked me.

Fuck me, I told you that I wasn't going to like that.

"U-mm Y-yes".

" So he and I are working together on this new project and I want you to see how things work".

" Okay" I nodded my head " But what should I do? I'll just stand there and watch you do the work or what?"

" No you'll be working as an assistant you'll assist Mr.hale".

Uh oh, oh god no.

"because I'm not working at a lot in this project I'll just support it financially and I'll keep checking from time to time".

I just nodded my head to him.

" You'll be going to Khaled's office on Wednesday afternoon and Saturday afternoon".

" B-bu..".

" No buts young lady" he interrupted me with a warning look.

I lowered my head and muttered a little " Okay "
Uh god, help me.

Time Skips :
It's 3:00 pm and I just had my launch, David is going to be here at 7:00 pm so still got enough time to hang out with my friends and get ready for the date.

Group Chat:
Me: Wassup!
Jad: Yoo
Rania: Hi
Me: Starbucks in 10 min? I need to tell you smth ASAP.
Rania: Kay
Jad: on my way
I was sitting at our usual table waiting for Jad and Rania to arrive when the doorbell rang. Jad approached my table and sat down.
" Jad don't talk, I'll tell Rania everything first"
" Well hello to you too"
"Stop it, I'm serious"
Rania entered and made her way towards us.
" Helloo So what's the news"
Typical Rania.

" Okay, just sit down first"
" Okay here, now spit it"
" So I have a date tonight"
"With who?" Rania and jad yelled in unison.
I looked at Rania and muttered "Mr.Lombardi".

" Yeeees I knew it," Jad said enthusiastically.

I looked over at Rania and I found her looking at me dazedly, she opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. She's scaring me. She's mad at me because I didn't tell her first.

" Ran-nia I...I.." I was about to say when a loud wow cut me off.

" WOOW NO WAY OH MY LORD, I KNEW IT, I KNEW THAT SOMETHING WAS UP WITH THE TWO OF YOU" Rania started to shout like a madwoman.

"Shh Rania ... Shhh" I tried to shush her.

" You Lil bitch got you a sexy ass teacher".

"Wait there's more".

She raised an eyebrow at me and I told her everything from the beginning till today.

"And guess what ?" A smile crept my face " I'll be working as an assistant for Khaled on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons".

" Oooh this is getting more interesting," jad said smugly.

" Ughh lucky bitch, But I'm team Lombardi" Rania winked at me.

" No I'm team Khaled" Jad differed her.

" Stop we're not teaming here, I think I am in some deep shit".

" Oh shut up" she scoffed.

" No but seriously, how're things are going to end up," Jad asked me.

" I don't know I don't know" I let out a loud sigh.

" who do you like the most?"

" None"

"Bullshit," Jad said.

" I mean... I " God.

They both smirked at me.

" David is something and Khaled is something else".

" Explain" Rania demand.

" Like David is intimidating as hell and bad-tempered, he gets mad easily and he's over jealous, very possessive he's like the alpha male, he's in control of everything, and when he looks at me with his beautiful piercing blue eyes I can feel like he's seeing through my soul and that makes my heart leap".

They kept watching me not saying a word.

"And Khaled, Khaled is a complete opposite of David, he's sweet and caring but that doesn't mean he's not possessive or dominant, he is just calm and very collected he doesn't lose his temper easily, he thinks before he does something when he put his hands on my cheeks and ask me if I'm comfortable or if I want to change my mind, my heart melted".

" Uh Oh," Rania grins at me and said, " I already know who's the winner".

" Yea Obviously" Jad agreed with her.

" There's no winner, this is not a competition"
" So what are you planning to do?"

" I don't know, I'll go on a date with them first, and then we will see".

" When's Khaled date?" I turned to Jad and shrugged " we didn't talk about it yet".

"Ummm" Jad hummed.

I got back home at 6:00 pm I took a quick shower and I fixed my hair, I put on my dress and now I was doing my make up when my phone rang.

Text From David :
Babygirl you're ready?

I decide to play with him a little, I know I'll regret it but I'm just having fun.

For what?

Are u kidding?

No, I don't know what are you talking about.

Okay, Princess, I'm right on my way to your Front door now and you'll see what I'm talking about ;).

Seriously he sent me a winking emoji.

No no I'm just joking, I'm ready I'll be down in 5 min.

You better be ;)
What's up with this man and winking emojis pfff.

I did the last touches of my makeup and grab my clutch and made my way downstairs, I'm lucky today mom and dad are in a dinner with some friends.

I opened the front door to be greeted by a very handsome David in a night blue suit. He smirked and looked at me up and down And I swallowed the lump in my throat.

" Well hello, princess," he said with his smooth husky tone.

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