Chapter 23

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That is how I felt.

I looked between them, my eyes traveling from David to Khaled to David to Khaled.

Oops, I'm in trouble.

I started to crawl backward in the bed, my eyes not leaving theirs.

They both stood at the end of the bed, David with his expressionless face and Khaled smirking wickedly at me.

"Come here," David said motioning to me with his index.

I hesitated a little at first but I knew better not to disobey him, I start crawling towards them, I was kinda excited about what they're going to do.

I stood in front of them still my eyes not leaving theirs, David extended his hand, I looked at it confused, Khaled brought his hand to his back pocket and took out something and placed it in David's hand when I looked at it, I recognized that it's a blindfold.

I gulped.

David took a step back from the bed " Stand up" he said, his voice full of authority.

I did what he said.

"Strip" his expressionless face now fading and replaced by a smirk.

I reached for the hem of my crop top and slowly pulled it up, I looked at Khaled and then David, they were watching me, their eyes following each move I'm doing, I took off my crop top and my shorts, leaving me in my Lacey burgundy bra and thong.

I turned to Khaled and glanced down at his dress pants, to see the outline of his boner is very visible, I brought my eyes up to meet his and my lips curved in a devilish smirk, his Adam's apple bobbed up and down, I looked at David and batted my eyelashes at him giving him a 'what next' look but with a little hint of challenge in it, I was going to be punished anyway so why not making it little fun.

They both start to walk until they stepped in front of me.

"Turn around," David said huskily, and I did as he said almost immediately.

I heard movements behind me and then I felt the silk material placed over my eyes, I let out a breath I was holding, a second passed and nothing happened, no movement no sound was made, I stood there waiting, nervous but so impatient.

"You were so bad" David's breathed in my ear sending a shiver down my spine.


A whimper left my mouth at the sudden harsh contact.

"So so bad".

I felt a presence in my left side "bend over the bed, àss up" Khaled said his voice getting huskier.

A shiver ran down my spine, but I didn't budge, I wanted to disobey them more, I wanted to test their limits.

David grabbed my jaw harshly and turned me to him " I think you want me to fùck your virgin hole so hard till you won't be able to walk, then you will learn your lesson, sì?" he growled.

His words went directly to my core, but I wasn't going to show them that I'm affected by his words.

"Maybe," I said nonchalantly, running my tongue over my upper lip.

Arms came from behind and bend me harshly on the bed, pinning my upper body to the bed, and lifting my àss up. I felt exposed.

"You are in no place to disobey us princess" I heard Khaled said, and a harsh slap landed on my ass again, but I don't know who spanked me, the fact that I don't know which one is doing what made the whole thing a lot more interesting.

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